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Athens condemns Tirana's Greater Albania provocation (RTS, B92)

The Greek MFA has condemned the manner in which Albania used redevelopment of the Skenderbeg Square in Tirana to promote "unity of Albanian territories."

Namely, some of these territories are located in - other countries, RTS is reporting on Tuesday.

The statement, published on the Greek Foreign Ministry's website under the headline, "Foreign Ministry announcement on the irredentist nature of the redevelopment project at a central square in Tirana," said this represents yet another provocation from the Albanian government.

Greek defense minister visits Kosovo, no official meetings (Kontakt plus radio, RTS)

Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos visited Greek soldiers within KFOR in Kosovo, expressing praise for his country's role in preserving stability in the region.

Media in Pristina, however, point out that the Greek Minister during the visit did not meet with any official of the central institutions in Pristina, adding that Greece is one of the five EU countries that have not recognized Kosovo's independence.

Lost In Translation: Macedonia's ethnic tensions near the boiling point (and Soros is stirring the pot) (FOX News)

Macedonia gave the world Alexander the Great, who, legend has it, wept because he could find no more lands to conquer. Now, George Soros, the left-wing billionaire who also wants to rule the world, is meddling with events that could plunge Macedonia into chaos or civil war, and escalate U.S. tensions with Russia.

Greek diplomat the main lobbyist of Thaci and Mustafa (Blic)

Greek diplomat Dimitris Moschopoulos is the main lobbyist of Hashim Thaqi and Isa Mustafa for the admission of Kosovo into UNESCO, Blic learns.

Dimitris Moschopoulos was the head of the Greek office in Pristina, as well as Representative of the EU for the protection of Serbian cultural and religious heritage in Kosovo.

Nenad Djurdjevic from the Forum for Ethnic Relations said that it was a smart move of Pristina to engage this Greek.

Trigazis: Greece will not recognize Kosovo (Vesti, Kurir)

Coordinator of the Department for International Cooperation of Syriza Panos Trigazis said that Greece maintains its position that Kosovo's independence should not be recognized in full.

"At this moment I cannot talk on behalf of the government, but only in the name of Syriza. However, I can confirm that Greece and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras continue to hold the attitude of previous governments that Kosovo's independence should not be recognized fully," said Trigazis for Kurir.