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Mitrovica: Judges to visit the crime scene today (Kosovapress)

Representatives of the Judicial council, prosecution and defense of the accused Oliver Ivanovic, and four other Serbs, will visit on Monday locations in northern and southern part of Mitrovica, where Albanians were killed in 1999 and 2000.

The lawyer of Oliver Ivanovic and Nebojsha Vllajic, said for Kosovapress that representatives of the court will go today to identify the precise locations where according to the witnesses, ten Albanians were killed in February 2000.

Bahtiri: Serbia’s trade with Albanin properties should stop (Kosovapres)

Mitrovica mayor, Agim Bahtiri, has requested from the most senior institutions of Kosovo to undertake immediate measures which would prevent Serbia’s buying of Albanian properties in northern Kosovo. “Serbia is not stopping with its ethnic cleansing in the neighborhoods of Mitrovica North. This is not happening any more with violent expelling of the population from there, but by allocating enormous funds to buy their properties. Special funds are being allocated for this purpose. This tendency of the Serbian state should be interrupted immediately.

Head of civil registration in Mitrovica North, arrested (

Mitrovica regional police arrested on Tuesday Slavica Generalovic, head of the civil registration in Mitrovica North, suspected for issuing documents and registering Serbs as Kosovo citizens, despite the fact that they did not appear in Kosovo register books. The spokesperson of the Mitrovica regional police, Avni Zahiti, confirmed the news for “She is suspected to have issued identification cards for Serbian citizens without possessing original certificates, but only copies,” Zahiti said.

EUSR Zbogar meets Mitrovica Mayor Bahtiri (Kosovapress)

The Head of European Union Office in Kosovo Samuel Zbogar met today Mitrovica Mayor Agim Bahtiri but none of them commented on what the meeting was about. Unofficially, the two officials are reported to have discussed details for the removal of the so-called Peace Park on River Iber bridge which is scheduled to take place on 15 October.


KFOR Commander: We will provide security throughout Kosovo (Blic)

KFOR Commander, Major-General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta today met with Goran Rakic, Mayor of the north Mitrovica and pointed out that KFOR will provide security in the north and the rest of Kosovo.

- KFOR will continue to provide a safe environment in the north and the rest of Kosovo, ready to intervene, if necessary - said KFOR Commander Miglietta.

He said that KFOR promotes progress and dialogue between all stakeholders in the region in accordance with its mandate.

Serb man arrested for throwing chemical substance near Mitrovica water supply (Telegrafi)

Mitrovica has been shaken up following the arrest of a man caught throwing chemical substance in Iber River, near the water supply company. However, director of the Mitrovica water company Kadri Istrefi, said detailed tests of the water were carried out and all came clear. “The water of the Mitrovica regional water company has not been poisoned,” said Istrefi. Meanwhile, Kosovo Police said it has arrested a Serb man late last night under the suspicion of throwing a chemical substance in the river, about 2km from Zubin Potok.

Deda: Serbia should admit its faults, then we can reconcile (Gazeta Express)

Vetevendosje deputy, Ilir Deda, stated during the “Building Albanian- Serb ties” conference in Mitrovica that Kosovo and Serbia have hostile relations. “Normalization of the relations does not come by stating that we do not recognize Kosovo, or when Serbs oppose to that extent membership at UNESCO. Only reciprocal recognition can bring normalization between the two countries,” Deda said.

Veseli invites Djuric to live in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, said during the “Building Albanian-Serb ties” conference held in Mitrovica that communication between Serbs and Albanians is the only way towards relaxation of the relations. Veseli stated that no major inter-ethnic problem occurred ever since Kosovo declared its independence in 2008,