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Revitalization of the Ibar Bridge soon to kick off (TV Most)

After several postponements, construction works at the Ibar Bridge in Kosovska Mitrovica should kick off on Sunday.

The agreement reached in Brussels in August last year envisaged reconstruction of the main bridge and the main street in northern part of Mitrovica. Representatives of Kosovo Serbs say that all will be done in order that security of residents is provided.

Spirić: Inauguration of safe house and construction of a cold storage and kindergarten (Kontakt Plus Radio)

The chairperson of the Provisional body of Kosovska Mitrovica, Aleksandar Spirić, stated yesterday that the first safe house will be inaugurated in the course of this week in Mitrovica north.

In addition to this, he said, a foundation stone will be laid for the construction of a cold storage, and that construction of the branch of the kindergarten in suburb ‘Bosniac mahala’ will be accomplished.

Increased participation of citizens in the process of creation of ZSO needed (TV Most)

Kontakt plus Radio in cooperation with the NGO Center for Women’s Development, from Mitrovica North, works on the implementation of the project ‘My Stance’ aimed at increased participation of residents in northern Kosovo in the process of designing the strategic documents related to the creation and work of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo (A/CSO).

Over 80 per cent of young wish to leave northern Kosovo (KIM Radio)

The biggest problem of young people in northern Kosovo is unemployment, whereas 80 per cent of young people 15 to 30 years old wish to leave this part of Kosovo, according to the results of a survey conducted by the Youth Educational Club ‘Sinergy’ from Mitrovica North.

Other problems, beside the unemployment, listed by the young in northern Kosovo are domestic violence, poor educational system, poverty and criminal rate among the young people.

Albanian and Bosniak local councilors against the erection of the monument to Duke Lazar (KIM Radio)

Local councilors of Mitrovica North Municipality decided, at the extraordinary assembly session, to erect a monument to Duke Lazar Hrebeljanović in Mitrovica North, after what Kosovo Albanian and Kosovo Bosniak councilors left the session, expressing their dissatisfaction that the topic of Duke Lazar was discussed at all.

Application for verification of university diplomas kicks off in Gracanica (RTK2)

Graduates of the Pristina University with the seat in Mitrovica North can submit their documentation for verification of diplomas in the municipal administration building in Gračanica.

Students who graduated at this University after 2001 are eligible to apply for verification of diplomas, whereas Kosovo government’s Commission for Verification of Diplomas will decided about the certification.

Rakić: Police enjoys support of the local self-government (KIM Radio)

Local self-governments will support the work of Regional Kosovo Police North with the goal of maintaining the peace and order, communicated the Office of the Mayor of Mitrovica North following yesterday’s meeting attended by the Mayor of Mitrovica North Goran Rakić, regional head of Kosovo Police operations Željko Bojić, Deputy Minister of the Interior Milan Radojević and Deputy Mayor of Zvečan/Zveçan Municipality Ivan Todosijević.