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Serbian local Health Center stoned in Suvi Do (Kontakt Plus Radio)

The director of the Health Center in Mitrovica North, Milan Ivanovic, said to Kontakt Plus Radio that local Health Center in settlement Suvi Do, which is located next to Mitrovica North, was stoned last night. Ivanovic explained that windows of the premises are broken, what makes the operation of the local Health Center impossible.

Agreement in the interest of all residents (TV Most)

Local councilors of Mitrovica North municipality discussed at yesterday’s session, among other things, and Memorandum on delineation between Mitrovica South and Mitrovica North, which refers to three disputed areas.

The Mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic, said that Ahtisaari’s plan, which is used as the basis for delineation in the Brussels agreement reached on 25 August, is not the Holy Bible and that it should be changed in line with the situation on the ground


Kosovo at UNESCO, Serbs protest at Iber Bridge at 12:44 (Indeksonline)

Students of the so-called University of Pristina in Mitrovica North announced that they will protest today in Mitrovica, with the motto “Kosovo not in UNESCO.”

The protest will be held at “Brothers Milic” square, in vicinity of the central bridge over the River Iber. The protest will start at 12:44 as a symbolic sign for UN Resolution 1244.

Students also appealed to the population, representatives of public and municipal institutions to join the protest.

Bozovic: Rakic will not sign demarcation memorandum (KIM Radio)

North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakic will not sign a memorandum on border demarcation with the Mayor of South Mitrovica because it is to the detriment of the Serbian people, Ksenija Bozovic said to the RTV KIM.

The village of Suvi Do, geographically located in North Mitrovica, is an important point of the current issue of the division of the city.

Tahiri: Any further delay raises tensions in Mitrovica (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s minister without portfolio and chief negotiator in the EU-facilitated dialogue with Belgrade, Edita Tahiri, said that delays in the start of works for revitalization of the Iber River main bridge in Mitrovica are unjustifiable and possible further delays will only increase tensions. In an interview for RTV Dukagjini, Tahiri said she was disappointed with the EU for postponing the works for 48 hours after they were initially planned to begin on 15 October.

Research on social protection of rural women in Kosovo (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Center for Communities Development from Mitrovica North yesterday presented preliminary results of a research carried out with regard to quality of social protection in rural areas of Kosovo. The research has been carried out within a project labeled “Importance of Gender – Poverty and Social Inclusion – situation with social protection in rural Kosovo and Metohija”.


Removal of ‘Peace Park’ barricade in Mitrovica postponed (Telegrafi)

A press release issued by the European Union Office in Kosovo announced that the start of revitalization of the Mitrovica bridge and its surroundings, scheduled to commence today has postponed for a maximum of 48 hours, in order to provide all parties additional time to reach a mutually agreeable solution. “This short delay should enable conclusion of discussions on the Memorandum of Understanding on the municipal boundaries between the Mitrovica North and the Mitrovica South municipalities.