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Deleting the preamble of the Constitution is the signal that the Serbian government is ready for further concessions (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Program Director of the Bureau for Social Research (BIRODI) Pavle Dimitrijevic said today that the deletion of the preamble of the Constitution of Serbia will be a signal that the Serbian government is ready for further concessions related to the Kosovo. "Deleting of preamble from the Serbian Constitution will above all have political impact. That is political signal that relates to the shift in politics, in the sense of ignoring, or giving up, UN SC Resolution 1244 which has so far been a stronghold of the Serbian Government in any negotiations and foreign policy, when it comes to Kosovo.

Lavrov: Russia's position on Kosovo unchanged (Dailies)

The attempt of those who orchestrated the separation of Kosovo without a referendum to doubt the expression of the will of the citizens of Crimea is "absurd."

"Russia's position on the Kosovo issue is absolutely clear and unchanging: it is only possible to regulate this problem on the basis of international law and within the framework set out in UN Security Council Resolution 1244."

Army of Kosovo only with the help of Serbs (Vesti)

Repeating the story on the army of Kosovo and a new draft law on the armed forces, the authorities in Pristina try to make room for political pressure and manoeuvre for negotiation with Belgrade in Brussels. It is necessary to modify the Constitution of Kosovo in order to create the legal basis for the military, which means that Serb representatives in the Kosovo parliament need to vote.

General Momir Stojanovic will not be tried in Djakovica/Gjakove (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbia is not recognizing the court in Djakovica/Gjakove, but in case UNMIK request it, Serbia could question General Momir Stojanovic, who is accused of alleged crimes in Kosovo and Metohija in 1999. There is also an option that the former chief of VBA (Military Security Agency) could be questioned in Belgrade by the EULEX prosecutors, if the EU mission will be interested for it. But Serbian state bodies certainly will not send Stojanovic to Djakovica/Gjakove. 

Bjelić: Trepca is privately owned company (RTK2)

Former Director of Trepca Complex Novak Bjelic said that Belgrade must not accept talks about Trepca with Pristina authorities, because, as he said, “it is a done deal”. "Trepca is a stock company, not a property of the state," said Bjelić adding that if the UNSC Resolution 1244 continues to be respected, Trepca cannot belong to Kosovo. 

Gašić: Army will not be the topic of the dialogue (Danas)

Formation of Kosovo's army will not be the topic of this round of Brussels dialogue, said Bratislav Gašić, Defence minister of Serbia, commenting on the recent announcements of the Kosovo officials. He said that such statements are for internal political use and that Serbia is serious country, which abide to all signed agreements and obligations including the UNSC Resolution 1244, in which everything is clearly defined. 

Pristina is preparing for the Army (Vesti online)

As announced by the Kosovo Foreign Ministry in a meeting with the US Under Secretary of Defence, Evelyn Farkas, this year will be decisive for the transformation of Kosovo Security Forces in the army.

Belgrade pointed out that the formation of the Kosovo Army is contrary to the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and it will not help improving the security of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, or stability in the region.

Takeover of mine "would deal heavy blow to Kosovo talks" (Dailies)

Aleksandar Vucic says a unilateral decision of the Kosovo government to take over Trepca "would deal a heavy blow to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue."

According to Pristina-based daily Koha Ditore, the government of Kosovo adopted the bill modifying the law on public enterprises, paving the way for the Kosovo government to take over the ownership of the Mining, Metallurgical and Chemical Combine Trepca.

The presidency of the assembly of Kosovo decided - contrary to the rules of procedure - to debate the bill under urgent procedure at the session scheduled for January 19.