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Successful cooperation between KFOR and EULEX (KiM radio)

KFOR commander, Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, and the new head of EULEX, Gabriele Meucci, talked in Pristina about the security situation in Kosovo and the recent events that have affected the security situation in the region, announced the KFOR.

"KFOR, as the third line of response, is providing a safe and calm environment in Kosovo, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. KFOR has a strong and successful working relationship with EULEX, which is the second line of response," the statement said.

Dacic: Partition of Kosovo is good solution! (Vecernje Novosti)

“I believe that partition of Kosovo would be one of the best solutions and that it would be in the interest of both, Serbs and Albanians. Such a deal, or a permanent solution of the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, could be achieved at an international conference under the auspices of the EU, but also the United States and Russia,” said Serbian FM and Deputy PM, Ivica Dacic, on the occasion of Andrey Sugurov’s statement.

Janjic: Brussels dialogue is not interrupted (KiM radio)

The Serbian list decided not to enter the Kosovo government if Self-determination movement is part of it. President of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, Dusan Janjic said that it is imposed decision. "Let us remember that the Serbian list already made a big mistake a month ago. Then, the Serbian list voted for the selection of Isa Mustafa, whose party then had Self-determination as a partner," said Janjic.

Pristina evaluate human rights (Vecernje Novosti)

The recent decision of the Venice Commission to allow entry of Kosovo in its composition will have a series of symbolic as well as practical consequences, and precedents in the work of this institution, which has a strong influence in international relations. We examined what will change in the ‘treatment’ of the southern province within "the European Commission for Democracy through Law," and beyond. 

Concerns about the privatization process in Kosovo (Danas)

Interview: Samuel Zbogar, Special Representative and Head of the EU Office in Kosovo

“The European Union closely monitored parliamentary elections through its observers and we can express our satisfaction with their regularity. We monitor closely current election debate, but it is clear that they are entirely internal matter of Kosovo, as long they are based on the laws and procedures. Therefore we cannot comment them, stated Zbogar. 

Office for KiM: Serbia committed to international law (Tanjug)

BELGRADE- The Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) released on Tuesday, to mark the 15th anniversary of the adoption of Resolution 1244, that Serbia remains committed to the principles of international law and the UN and that it will continue to build the path with the aim of ensuring that the tragic consequences of the war do not remain a burden on the coming generations, whić will be aćieved through a dialogue with interim self-government institutions in KiM and partners in the international community.

15 years from the adoption of the Resolution 1244 (KiM radio)

Prior to the adoption of the Resolution were held negotiations between Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and Viktor Chernomyrdin, who was the representative of the then Russian President Boris Yeltsin. These negotiations were completed in early June, with the mediation of Martti Ahtisaari, who represented the EU and the UN. Document on Milosevic-Ahtisaari-Chernomyrdin agreement, which was adopted by the National Assembly and then the federal government, was the basis for the Resolution 1244.