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Kusari-Lila: Time to reflect (Express)

Deputy leader of New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), Mimoza Kusari-Lila said it is time for the party to reflect and take decisions about its structures.

In a Facebook post, Kusari-Lila congratulated Kosovo on elections and said: “Time to reflect and decide for all political structures. The Kosovo voter demonstrated high democratic culture and civic value. Thank you voters of Gjakova Municipality. I wish and hope your choice went towards fulfillment of our Municipality’s aspirations”.

Mustafa: Those who are using today’s tragedy for political gain should be held responsible (Express)

 The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, visited Obilic, where he said he was shaken by today’s explosion there. He accused the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, for trying to use the tragedy at the Kosovo Energy Corporation for political gain and for campaigning purposes. “I am moved by this case. We do not have information on what happened. It is a serious situation. People lost lives. We wish a speedy recovery to the injured and express our condolences to the families.

Hydrogen explosion at KEK (Express, Telegrafi, Indeksonline)

Major explosion happened at the power plant Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK,) outside Kosova A boilers. Sources said for Express that there are several people injured and there might be casualties as well.

The detonation was heard in several parts of Pristina. Gazeta Express did not manage to confirm this news officially, since officials of this corporation are not available for journalists. Kosovo Police told Express that “they are aware of the detonation,” but that they do not have any other information.

Hashim Thaci’s two options, each worse than the other (Express)

Member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Berat Buzhala writes in an opinion piece for Gazeta Express that if the leader of his party, Hashim Thaci, manages to score another victory and beat the largest opposition party, Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), this would be more a defeat of his main rival than an actual victory of Thaci and would represent the end of the rational politics in Kosovo.

Jessen-Petersen at a meeting with Haradinaj, welcomes "The new direction"

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK,) met with former UNMIK chief, Søren Jessen-Petersen. Haradinaj wrote on his social network page, Facebook, that Petersen has welcomed “New Direction,” (the motto of this party in the election campaign.) “It was a pleasure to meet with my friend and with the great friend of Kosovo, Søren Jessen-Petersen, who used to be head of UNMIK,” wrote Haradinaj.

Le Monde: Mass grave in Serbia might be the biggest in Serbia (gazetaexpress)

Work on finding the bodies of the missing persons from Kosovo war has started in April in south-western Serbia. So far, 21 bodies of the missing Albanians have been found. Only yesterday, 17 bodies were found. According to the French daily, Le Monde, DNA tests for four bodies are still in process.

There are many chances that this mass grave carries 250 Kosovo Albanian victims. Exhumation started by the end of April, after the destruction of a building which was built after the war, at the place where the mass grave is suspected to be, and which was discovered in May of 2010.


Kosovars, top traffickers and trafficking victims (Express)

Human trafficking in Switzerland is a business mainly run by Kosovars. In 25 percent of discovered cases of trafficking, citizens of Kosovo were involved, found the 2013 annual report of the Swiss federal police.

According to the report, the trafficking has taken on more sophisticated forms and it is no longer done only through illegal border crossing but increasingly through the use of forged documents. These documents don’t serve merely for entering Switzerland but also for securing the residence status in this country.