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Simić: They must respect the Serbian people (KIM radio)

Pristina's media has been reporting since this morning that the Serbian list lost enthusiasm after Pacolli's party entered the PAN coalition, and that the Serbs will not support the election of Ramush Haradinaj as prime minister, reports KIM radio today.

Igor Simić, however, did not want to comment these allegations, saying that it was good that things began to move towards institution-forming, emphasizing that the Serbian List is open for talks.

Makolli: AKR is not in discussions with PAN (Zeri)

Vesel Makolli, general secretary of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), told the paper that his party supports eventual agreement between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Vetevendosje movement. “We are not in discussions with PAN. We are in discussions with our coalition. We had a meeting between Isa Mustafa and Albin Kurti and we in AKR support continuance of these discussions. Things between LDK and Vetevendosje have moved a bit in a positive way. It is expected to reach something; it appears that after this meeting they have overcome recent grudges.

Makolli: There is no PAN-AKR agreement, we stay loyal to LAA (RTK)

The general secretary of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), Vesel Makolli, said today that his party has not reached and is not expected to reach any agreement with the PAN coalition. He said that AKR intends to remain loyal to its coalition with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK).

Makolli added that the ten day deadline that the AKR leader Behxhet Pacolli gave to LDK and Vetevendosje movement, was a call for unity between these two parties.

Pacolli on eventual coalition with PAN (RTK)

The leader of the Alliance for New Kosovo (AKR) Behxhet Pacolli has denied claims that his position against joining coalition PAN, is shaking.

He took to his official profile in Facebook to write that AKR and its partners, the Democratic League of Kosovo, Aleternativa and Movement for Justice are determined on their path for change, dictated by vote of the people on 11 June.

Kurti and Pacolli meet (

Vetevendosje movement’s nominee for Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, met Tuesday morning with the leader of the Alliance for New Kosovo (AKR), Behxhet Pacolli. has learned from its sources that the meeting took place at Swiss Hotel in Pristina. Media reported about another meeting between these two leaders on Monday. These meetings come after the 11 June elections, where none of the Albanian parties gained majority of votes to establish the government.

LDK: PDK-AAK-NISMA coalition was foreseeable (media)

Officials from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) reacted to the news that the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) signed a pre-election coalition with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) by saying the move was foreseeable. LDK spokesperson Arban Abrashi said to Klan Kosova that PDK signed the coalition as a reaction to the “fear” from the LDK earlier reaching an agreement with the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) and Alternative.

AKR and Vetevendosje to announce coalition in Mitrovica today (Gazeta Metro)

Citing an unnamed source, the news website reports that the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) and the Vetevendosje Movement (VV) will announce their coalition for the municipality of Mitrovica South, today at 11:00. Mitrovica South Mayor Agim Bahtiri earlier gave to Vetevendosje three municipal departments and the post of deputy mayor. The news website recalls that the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) left the ruling coalition, after Bahtiri dismissed the LDK-head of the municipal education department.