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Haradinaj: If Serbia denies Kosovo recognition, why sit with them at the table (B92, Klan Kosova, Kosovo online)

Outgoing Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj stated that if Serbia denies Kosovo recognition, there is no sense in discussing things with them, reports B92 portal quoting Kosovo based media.

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj justified his decision to impose 100% tariffs to Serbian goods, presenting what coalition AAK-PDK has to offer now, reports Zvecan based Kosovo online portal.

Thaci: Serbia to answer for crimes committed in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said at the launch of “Be My Voice” campaign for support of victims of sexual violence during conflict in Kosovo that Serbia has to answer for war crimes. “We know all the crimes that Serbia committed in Kosovo and sooner or later it will be called to account for them,” Thaci said. He said sexual violence was used to shame the victims who need the institutional support. Thaci said that although Kosovo is known for public awareness-raising activities, more needs to be done to restore the victims’ dignity and faith.

Kosovo applies for membership to Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie (Klan Kosova/EO)

Kosovo Assembly has applied to become full member of the Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie, having been an observer since 2014. Kosovo Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, announced the decision after meeting the General Secretary of the Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie, Jacques Krabal. Veseli said the Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie is one of the largest international organisations and expressed belief Kosovo will soon gain status of full-fledged member. “This is extraordinary news.

Tahiri to propose bill for confiscation of illegally-obtained wealth (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, announced that he soon plans to propose to the Government approval of the draft law for confiscation of illegally-obtained wealth by public officials. “Being aware of the great weight of the responsibility I hold, I cannot remain indifferent to the essential need for reviewing and advancing the existing policies for confiscation of assets obtained through criminal activity into completely new standards, more functional and efficient,” Tahiri wrote in a Facebook post.

Veseli: UN seat at the end of dialogue with Serbia (Klan Kosova)

In an interview to the Tirana-based Top Channel, Kosovo Assembly Speaker and leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli, said Kosovo is an independent and sovereign country and any agreement with Serbia will have to respect these principles. “Kosovo’s goal is to join international organisations, [gain] a seat at the United Nations,” Veseli said adding that this does not mean it will settle for anything that undermines its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Gashi: Interior ministry lawfully deported six Turkish nationals (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Bejtush Gashi, said the ministry acted lawfully in arresting and deporting six Turkish nationals, wanted by Turkish authorities for alleged connections to cleric Fethullah Gulen. Gashi made the remarks before the members of the Kosovo Assembly committed on internal affairs and security. Gashi said he received the report of the arrest and deportation operations and that all departments of the Ministry of Interior acted within the scope of law.

Hoti: We are in no rush with elections but this government has to go (Klan Kosova)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Avdullah Hoti, said at the party’s weekly press conference that the government led by Ramush Haradinaj has to go as it no longer represents the majority in the Assembly. “We have in power a government of minority which cannot speak on behalf of the majority of citizens. In democratic countries the government represents the majority of the people, not the minority. We are in no rush to head to elections but the country cannot be led by a minority government,” Hoti said.

"Solving Ivanovic's murder is in the interest of Kosovo" (Klan Kosova)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, said investigations that it is in the interest of Kosovo for the murder of Serb political leader Oliver Ivanovic to be solved. "Investigations are intensive, no piste has been ruled out," Haradinaj said adding however that the case may prove to be impossible to be solved even with investigations by Serbian authorities.