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Haradinaj: A peace pact with Serbia is all Kosovo can give (Klan Kosova)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, said at a memorial ceremony in hounour of the victims of Studime massacre in 1999 that a peace pact and forgiveness is all Kosovo can give to Serbia. Haradinaj said there is a lot of talk recently about a final settlement between Kosovo and Serbia which would pave way for Kosovo to join the EU, NATO, and the UN. “The question is what Kosovo will give for this agreement. The truth is Kosovo has given a great deal, this here is the evidence,” Haradinaj said referring to the 116 Albanian victims of the massacre.

Haradinaj: Kosovo, home for all (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, said at the 8th “KSF and partners” conference that Kosovo is a home for all its citizens and that transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into a Kosovo army will not change this. “The transition of the Kosovo Security Force will only strengthen this feeling,” Haradinaj said. He also noted that KSF’s transformation would not affect KFOR’s role in Kosovo.

Pristina conference tackles inclusion of gender quota in trade association law (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Centre for Gender Studies organized on Tuesday a conference titled "Law on Trade Associations and the Gender Quota", aimed at informing the public opinion and all stakeholders on the conclusions that could be considered in the next stage of the law’s discussion at the Assembly of Kosovo.  Last month, Kosovo Assembly approved amendment to the Law on Trade Associations regarding inclusion of women in boards of shareholding associations with a quota of 40 percent.

Hoti: Thaci’s involvement in dialogue with Serbia is against Assembly resolution (Klan Kosova)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Avdullah Hoti, said that the confusion regarding the dialogue for normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is only deepening further. He said that in the absence of a new Kosovo Assembly resolution on who should lead the process, the applicable rules remain those outlined in the most recent resolution from 2011 and 2012. According to these, government of Kosovo is authorized to be in charge of the dialogue.

Thaci: No one can place veto on KSF transformation (Klan Kosova)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said on the occasion of the Kosovo Liberation Army Epopee that the Kosovo Security Force is respected worldwide its professionalism makes it deserving to transform into Kosovo army. “We want and we believe that KSF transformation will happen through constitutional changes but I will not allow anyone put veto on our legitimate right,” Thaci said. “I am confident that Kosovo Armed Forces will be a joint value of all of us, representing the ethnic character of this country and our society.”

Analyst: Not enough votes for demarcation to pass (Klan Kosova)

Political analyst, Artan Muhaxhiri, commented on latest developments at the Kosovo Assembly regardign the border demarcation vote saying that the essence of all that is going on is that the ruling parties do not have enough votes to pass the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. “There are no 80 votes and this is the problem. Politicians are making legal acrobatics,” Muhaxhiri told Klan Kosova.

Vetevendosje calls for international investigation into Assembly attack (Klan Kosova)

In a press conference today, Vetevendosje officials have urged the implementation of the Kosovo Assembly resolution adopted recently calling for an international investigation into the 2016 grenade attack on the Assembly building for which the court has already convicted four Vetevendosje activists. MPs Arberie Nagavci and Liburn Aliu said the court’s ruling is arbitrary and does not rest on any evidence.


Serb Cultural Centre opens in Pristina (Klan Kosova)

The Serb Cultural Centre has opened in Pristina today within the premises of the Orthodox Church in the city. Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister, Branimir Stojanovic, said at the opening ceremony that Serbs should not forget they also contributed to the building of Pristina. Meanwhile, Dusan Kozarev from the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo said the Cultural Centre is an indicator that “Serbs are returning to Pristina and Pristina will return to the Serbs.”


Prizren mosque holds prayer for Turkish intervention in Syria (Klan Kosova/Koha)

Klan Kosova reports that a prayer was held in the Sinan Pasha Mosque in Prizren in favour of the Turkish military operation against Kurds in Syria. Present in the prayer was also the Turkish Ambassador to Kosovo, Kivilcim Kilic, Turkish general consul in Prizren, Eylem Altunya, members of Turkish army part of KFOR, as well as local residents.

Rama: Initiative to abrogate specialist court "orchestrated" (Klan Kosova)

Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, in an interview to the Albanian-based Report TV, spoke about Kosovo and the initiative to abrogate law on specialist chambers which he said was “orchestrated”. At the same time, he said allegations against KLA commanders in the Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty’s report are “science fiction”.