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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 22, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti opposes replication of Italy-Albania migration deals in Balkans (media)
• Kurti: We already have an agreement, not only dialogue (Telegrafi)
• US Embassy: O’Brien had important conversations with govt leaders (media)
• Osmani emphasizes “importance of never giving up on freedom” (media)
• Osmani meets Lawler, “strong partnership ensures regional stability” (media)
• EU Office: Von der Leyen will visit Kosovo on October 26 (media)
• Torres: Kosovo, American success story of democracy in the Balkans (media)
• Terras from Estonia expected to be appointed EP Rapporteur for Kosovo (RFE)
• Murati travels to U.S. for annual meetings of IMF and World Bank (media)
• Govt, ICO with strategy to address challenges of communities in Kosovo (EO)
• “SL silence about Rakic backs theories Radoicic’s people beat him up” (Express)
• ARKEP authorizes Starlink to offer services in Kosovo (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Aljazeera on construction of 200 houses in northern Kosovo: Residents are asking for information about the future tenants
• Tonino Picula the new rapporteur of the European Parliament for Serbia (N1, FoNet)
• O'Brien: Pristina to send CSM draft to Constitutional Court (Kosovo Online)
• Director of Telekom in Pristina: If they do not give us a license, damage will be paid (RTS)
• Croatia to strengthen its presence in KFOR (Beta, Kosovo Online)
• Selimi: Kurti signed agreement with Denmark to allocate prison, and criticizes Rama (Kosovo Online, social media)


• From girlhood to womanhood through public spaces (Kosovo 2.0)
• Instead of a round of drinks - harsh glares (Radio kontakt plus)


• Kurti opposes replication of Italy-Albania migration deals in Balkans (Euractiv)
• Serbia hints at new long-term deal on Russian gas (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 22, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 22, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti meets O’Brien, calls for full, fair implementation of Basic Agreement (media)
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien interview with Kanal 10
Businesses affected by queues in Merdare (RFE)
Discussions in Vienna on OSCE report about situation in Kosovo (Koha)
Hacker: If Serbia wants to join the EU, it needs to recognize Kosovo (Express)
Aliu: Not notified about investigations, ready to cooperate for justice (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic: Kurti only accepted entry of Serbian goods 'pro forma,' he was ‘forced’ by Germans and Americans (Kosovo Online, RTS, media)
Vucic confirms absence from BRICS summit (N1)
Brnabic meets Craxi (Tanjug)
SRSG Ziadeh met Boven, discussed current situation and dialogue (Kosovo Online, social media)
Documentation from Srbica Municipal Provisional Authority sent to Kosovo Archive and Trepca (Kosovo Online)
Convoy of trucks with Serbian goods at Merdare one kilometre long (Radio KIM)
Political analyst: Government to push Jadar project (N1)

International Media:

Albania’s ex-president Ilir Meta arrested on corruption charges (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 21, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 21, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti publishes agreement and declarations from Berlin Process (media)
Osmani meets Torres; grateful for unwavering support for Kosovo (media)
O’Brien: Establishment of Association, an important step (media)
Kurti: Diplomacy played a key role in changing the status quo (RTK)
AJK establishes Network of Women Journalists of Kosovo (media)
“Unemployment rate among women has dropped to 10.7%” (Klan Kosova)

Serbian Language Media:

Petkovic: We insist on all agreements reached over last 11 years (Kosovo Online)
O’Brien: It is most important that Serbs in Kosovo live like normal, European people (Tanjug)
Gerxhaliu: Ordinary people and private sector of Kosovo and Serbia suffering due to politicization (KiM radio)
Gerxhaliu: We can't make young people stay with stories about war, we need to restore their lost hope (Kosovo Online)
An explosive device thrown in a private yard in Zubin Potok (Radio KIM, KoSSev)


What does Milorad Djokovic's case say about the judiciary in Kosovo? (KoSSev, Kontakt plus radio)
Choose carefully what you call “victories” (Sbunker)
Beyond sovereignty and reforms: Safeguarding Kosovo’s multi-ethnicity and promoting a civic identity (New Social Initiative)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 21, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 21, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

O’Brien and Eichhorst today in Pristina, expected to meet Kurti (Gazeta Express)
Lajcak: It’s time to start the implementation of agreements (media)
Kurti: Kosovo is accelerating forward in key sectors (media)
Osmani begins visit to U.S., will attend activities related to WPS Agenda (media)
Ursula von der Leyen in Pristina on Saturday, will meet Osmani and Kurti (RTK)
Reuten: No one in Serbia was held accountable for attack in Banjska (media)
Shukri Buja summoned by the Specialist Chambers in the Hague (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic with O'Brien and Eichhorst: I expressed concern about the challenge of the Serbs in Kosovo (RTS, Tanjug)
Vucic expressed to Putin the hope that Serbia will not impose sanctions on Russia (NMagazin, Beta, RTS, Tanjug, media)
Djuric: Serbia has backed letter of support for Guterres (Tanjug, media)
Former Serbian List leader Goran Rakic allegedly beaten in North Mitrovica (N1,
A man suspected of attacking the Aleksic family in Gracanica arrested (KiM radio)
SVN adopted "Strategy framework for survival" (KiM radio)
Visits of Serbian Artists to Kosovo - Obstacles on the road, but at the destination, pure joy (Kosovo Online)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 18, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Von der Leyen in Western Balkans next week, in Pristina on Oct 26 (media)
• Rohde: Six countries of Western Balkans benefited from Berlin Process (media)
• World Bank issues regular economic report on Western Balkans (media)
• Kurti meets with Haddad, “strong Kosovo-France relations reaffirmed” (media)
• Tahiri: Normality will return to Kosovo after February 9 (media)
• Haradinaj travels to U.S., for meetings at Pentagon, State Department (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Serbian PM Vucevic with UNMIK Head Ziadeh on the current situation in Kosovo (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, RTS, media)
• Petkovic meets Ziadeh: The irreplaceable role of the UN Mission in Kosovo in preserving peace (Kosovo Online, RTS, Tanjug, media)
• Vucevic: Kurti continues to make life difficult for Serbs in Kosovo (Danas, Kosovo Online, TV Pink)
• Blanar: Serbia has the full support of Slovakia regarding Kosovo (Tanjug, Politika)
• Vucic meets Blanar (Tanjug, media)
• Posters about the KP, Self-Determination and plasma biscuits in the north of Mitrovica (KiM radio, Alternativna, KoSSev, Kontakt plus radio)
• Von der Leyen next Friday in Belgrade, a day later in Pristina (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)


• Kosovo sees red in pupils’ self-harm amid limited school psychologists (BIRN)
• Sanctions and trials help Bosnian Serb leader win big at polls (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 18, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 18, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Sources: New round of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue next week (RFE)
UNMIK chief Ziadeh meets Serbian Assembly President Brnabic, FM Djuric (media)
Haxhiu: Neither UNMIK nor EULEX properly addressed war crimes cases (EO)
Krasniqi: I have one dream that justice is served for sexual crimes in war (Klan)
Sarrazin: Association was not topic at Berlin Process, at least not this year (Koha)
Report: How the US elections could shake up the Western Balkans (media)
US: Cases at Specialist Chambers will help build a state of law (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

Djuric to Ziadeh: The UN SC session an opportunity to point out the gravity of the situation in Kosovo (Radio Mitrovica sever, Tanjug, Kosovo Online, media)
Brnabic with Ziadeh: Pristina violating Resolution 1244 and endangering the rights and security of Serbs (Kosovo Online)
Vucevic: Kurti deliberately complicating the entry of Serbian goods into Kosovo, he will not open Jarinje and Brnjak (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, Beta, media)
Stano: New round of Belgrade Pristina technical-level dialogue on October 24 (media)
Manojlovic: Seven years since the TV Pink video spot against Oliver Ivanovic (Danas, Beta, NMagazin)
Lawyer Miljkovic: Kosovo media presented Aleksandar Jaksic as a member of a paramilitary unit (Kosovo Online)
USA: The normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo essential for the stability of the region (Kosovo Online)
Russia: The Serbian population in Kosovo the most threatened minority in the region (Kosovo Online)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 17, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Rutte: The dialogue is not going the way we would like it to (Express)
• VV: Opposition’s biggest worry is the changed situation in the north (Telegrafi)
• Police: “Parallel municipality issued false documents” (media)
• RTK: Broadcast of Assembly session wasn’t interrupted even for a minute (media)
• Maqedonci: 1,658 people applied for 300 spots for new KSF recruits (media)
• Pacolli reacts to govt spokesperson: Ask Prime Minister and President (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: External and internal pressures increasing, Serbia is bothering them because it defends the UN Charter, Resolution 1244, and its Constitution (Kosovo Online, Euronews, media)
• Vucevic on Friday with Ziadeh and Blanar (Kosovo Online)
• Serbian List: Kurti does not stop oppressing the Serbian people (KiM radio)
• The allegations against A.J. after the weapons seizure, he claims they are airsoft items (KoSSev)
• Subaric on the seizure of Gracanica municipal property: I hope this issue will be addressed in the dialogue (Kosovo Online)
• Jevtic: The property issue must be on the table in Brussels; Pristina's intent to seize everything Serbian (Kosovo Online)
• Eric Swalwell: The USA and Serbia relations have no borders, work to deepen cooperation (Tanjug, Politika)


• Kosovo’s Human Rights Backsliding: A Threat to All (


• Freedom on the Net 2024: Serbia (Freedom House)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 17, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 17, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: 20,000 women affected by rape and sexual violence as tools of war (media)
NATO chief: Security situation in Kosovo and region is fragile (RFE)
Smith: We want Kosovo to continue investing in EU-facilitated dialogue (media)
Osmani expresses condolences on passing of former US Ambassador (media)
Police shut down Serbian-run municipality of Skenderaj in Mitrovica North (media)
Opposition MPs protest in front of Radio Television of Kosovo (media)
Pacolli: I spoke to Radoicic in presence of Kurti and Osmani (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Stano: No announcements of any kind on upcoming Belgrade-Pristina meeting (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, media)
Rutte: The situation in the Western Balkans still worrisome due to fragile situation in Kosovo (Tanjug, KiM radio, Kosovo Online)
US Ambassador: Kosovo's membership in the Partnership for Peace depends on progress in the dialogue with Serbia (Beta, Danas, RFE, N1)
At Merdare crossing kilometres long columns (RTS, Radio Mitrovica sever)
Kosovo Police closed the premises of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Srbica in Mitrovica North (Kosovo Online)
UNS: UNMIK concerned about reports on serious threats to Tanjug journalists (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica sever)
Petkovic discussed the situation in Kosovo with the outgoing and new Norwegian envoy for the Western Balkans (Tanjug, NMagazin)
Zigmanov: The situation in Kosovo unsustainable, with a high level of human rights violations against Serbs (Kosovo Online)
Vulin in Moscow again, meets Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service chief (N1, media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 16, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Osmani: Fight for justice for victims of sexual violence in war won’t stop (RFE)
• Rohde slams Dodik on blockade to visa-free regime for Kosovo (media)
• Stano: Kosovo and its PM do not decide on the removal of measures (Express)
• Kryeziu responds to Stano: Measures should be removed (media)
• Stano: No information about a next meeting in EU-facilitated dialogue (Paparaci)
• New COMKFOR Barduani meets UNMIK chief Ziadeh (media)
• First commander of KFOR Sir Michael Jackson dies at 80 (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Dacic: The government's policy towards Kosovo has not changed (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)
• Lazar Dejanovic sentenced to eight months in prison for assaulting an official (Kosovo Online, KoSSev)
• KFOR following PR claims on Serbian army near the ABL and the Gendarmerie on Merdare crossing: We are ready to ensure security, regular contacts with the parties (KoSSev)
• Vojvodina, China’s province Shandong sign agreement on cooperation (Beta, N1)


• CEFTA trade bloc keeps Balkans just outside EU membership (DW)
• Montenegro census results: Montenegrins 41.12%, Serbs 32.93% of the population (EWB)
• Remembering Paul Lowe, photojournalist who pictured Sarajevo in war and peace (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 16, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 16, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Sarrazin: No candies for Dodik in exchange for waiving visas for Kosovo (media)
KFOR: Ready to take measures to prevent risks and tensions (Klan Kosova)
Hovenier: U.S. remains steadfast in its support for KFOR (media)
Osmani meets Barbano, discuss security developments (media)
Bahtiri: Iber bridge will be opened after February 5 (media)
Kurti, Osmani congratulate Albania on opening of EU accession chapters (media)

Serbian Language Media:

The new KFOR commander met UNMIK Head Ziadeh (KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
Djuric met with Slovenian PM Golob and FM Fajon (Tanjug, media)
Petkovic: Pristina continues to breach all agreements (KiM radio, Kosovo online, Tanjug, media)
An invitation to north Kosovo residents to report incidents and endangering of their rights (Radio Mitrovica sever, RTS)
Through another trade war with Serbia, Kosovo quietly enters CEFTA (KoSSev, KiM radio)