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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 17, 2024


Albanian Language Media:


  • Kurti: 20,000 women affected by rape and sexual violence as tools of war (media)
  • NATO chief: Security situation in Kosovo and region is fragile (RFE)
  • Smith: We want Kosovo to continue investing in EU-facilitated dialogue (media)
  • Osmani expresses condolences on passing of former US Ambassador (media)
  • Police shut down Serbian-run municipality of Skenderaj in Mitrovica North (media)
  • Opposition MPs protest in front of Radio Television of Kosovo (media)
  • Pacolli: I spoke to Radoicic in presence of Kurti and Osmani (media)


Serbian Language Media:


  • Stano: No announcements of any kind on upcoming Belgrade-Pristina meeting (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, media)
  • Rutte: The situation in the Western Balkans still worrisome due to fragile situation in Kosovo (Tanjug, KiM radio, Kosovo Online)
  • US Ambassador: Kosovo's membership in the Partnership for Peace depends on progress in the dialogue with Serbia (Beta, Danas, RFE, N1)
  • At Merdare crossing kilometres long columns (RTS, Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Kosovo Police closed the premises of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Srbica in Mitrovica North  (Kosovo Online)
  • UNS: UNMIK concerned about reports on serious threats to Tanjug journalists (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Petkovic discussed the situation in Kosovo with the outgoing and new Norwegian envoy for the Western Balkans (Tanjug, NMagazin)
  • Zigmanov: The situation in Kosovo unsustainable, with a high level of human rights violations against Serbs (Kosovo Online)
  • Vulin in Moscow again, meets Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service chief (N1, media)


Albanian Language Media 


Kurti: 20,000 women affected by rape and sexual violence as tools of war (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Wednesday that it was “an honor to meet again with Dr. Mukwege, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, for his work addressing sexual violence during conflicts”. Kurti said in a post on X that “sexual violence and rape are pernicious tools that, as Dr. Mukwege noted, target the very fabric of society itself. In Kosova, an estimated 20,000 women have been affected by rape and sexual violence used as tools of war by Serb forces. With increased police capabilities for prosecuting these cases, along with other measures to enhance the justice provided to survivors of these heinous crimes, our government will remain a dedicated collaborator in this critical effort”.


NATO chief: Security situation in Kosovo and region is fragile (RFE)


New NATO Secretary General, Mark Rutte, said on Wednesday that the security situation in the region of the Western Balkans is fragile, referring specifically to Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. “The situation in the Western Balkans remains concerning with secessionist threats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the fragile security situation in Kosovo and little progress in the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina,” Rutte told reporters on the eve of the meeting of defense ministers of NATO countries.


Rutte pledged that NATO will remain strongly committed to its mission in Kosovo which has over 4,400 troops. “For over two decades, KFOR has maintained a safe and secure environment for all people in Kosovo and freedom of movement. NATO’s commitment to KFOR remains steadfast to this day,” he said.


Smith: We want Kosovo to continue investing in EU-facilitated dialogue (media)


Koha news website reported on Wednesday that the dialogue with Serbia has become an obstacle for Kosovo to join the NATO Partnership for Peace Program, as progress in the process of dialogue was mentioned by U.S. Ambassador to NATO, Julianne Smith, as “a condition” for Kosovo. “As we work towards the objectives outlined in the EU-facilitated dialogue, we may consider the issue of the Partnership for Peace along the way. But currently, the focus is on ensuring greater stability in the region, and we are doing our best to seek progress in EU-led initiatives,” she told reporters on Wednesday.


Smith also said that the United States appreciates Kosovo’s strong interest to join the Partnership for Peace but that it has communicated its position on the dialogue to Kosovo’s leaders. “I believe our friends in Kosovo have heard us, as well, loudly and clearly. We want them to continue investing in the EU-facilitated dialogue, which is something that both NATO allies and EU member states strongly support,” Smith said. 


Osmani expresses condolences on passing of former US Ambassador (media)


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani expressed her condolences on Wednesday to the passing of former US Ambassador to Kosovo, “the first U.S. Ambassador to the independent Republic of Kosovo and an outstanding supporter of our country”. “Tina was a bold and courageous leader who played a profound role in many critical and historic events before and after Kosovo’s declaration of independence. I had the honor to work closely with her and learned a great deal from her wisdom and dedication. Our thoughts and heartfelt condolences go out to her family, friends, and colleagues as we all mourn her loss,” Osmani said.


Police shut down Serbian-run municipality of Skenderaj in Mitrovica North (media)


Most news websites quote Kosovo Police Deputy Director for the North, Veton Elshani, as saying that police on Wednesday closed a building in Mitrovica North that “Serbia used illegally as the parallel municipality of Skenderaj”. He added that after police verification on the ground, they received information that the office was active, “and after consultation with the prosecutor that works on the case of parallel municipalities in the north and in coordination with him, we went to the building and closed it”. 


Opposition MPs protest in front of Radio Television of Kosovo (media)


Opposition MPs protested in front of the Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK) on Wednesday after its main channel did not broadcast the extraordinary session of the Kosovo Assembly called by the opposition. Opposition representatives claimed that the government directly ordered the RTK not to broadcast the session. RTK on the other hand said that they had planned for a long time to broadcast a conference on the 25th anniversary of the Kosovo Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims. Opposition MPs tried to deliver their speeches inside the yard of the public broadcaster but were not allowed to enter by security. They then said that the RTK’s decision was “murder of democracy” and “silencing the voice of MPs”.


Pacolli: I spoke to Radoicic in presence of Kurti and Osmani (media)


Leader of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) Behgjet Pacolli said on Wednesday that one day before Vjosa Osmani was elected President of Kosovo, he spoke on the phone with Milan Radoicic in the presence of Osmani and Prime Minister Albin Kurti. “I had a telephone call with Radoicic, one day before the election of the President. The President and Prime Minister Albin Kurti know this, because the phone call was made in their presence. I cannot lie, there were efforts to secure another MP [vote] and that is where we practically phished one MP,” Pacolli claimed in an interview with TeVe1.


Pacolli’s claims were refuted by the Office of the Prime Minister. Government spokesperson Perparim Kryeziu said Pacolli’s statement is not true. “Absolutely untrue. There was no case when MP Pacolli communicated with Radoicic in the presence or with the knowledge of Prime Minister Kurti, let alone with his request,” he said.


The TV station contacted the Office of the President, but they did not respond. 


Serbian Language Media 


Stano: No announcements of any kind on upcoming Belgrade-Pristina meeting (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, media)


European Commission spokesperson Peter Stano said on Wednesday there were no announcements to make about any kind of upcoming meeting in the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and declined to comment on speculations a high-level meeting could take place soon.


"First of all, we never comment on any speculations and secondly, indeed there is no announcement I could make about any kind of upcoming meeting in the framework of the EU-facilitated dialogue," Stano said at a Brussels press briefing when asked to comment on speculations that a high-level meeting could take place this week.


In an October 6 Facebook post, the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said he would focus on preparing for the next Brussels meeting of the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina and noted that he would like to host it "in the coming weeks."


Rutte: The situation in the Western Balkans still worrisome due to fragile situation in Kosovo (Tanjug, KiM radio, Kosovo Online)


NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte said yesterday that the situation in the Western Balkans was still worrisome, primarily because of the "fragile situation" in Kosovo, insufficient progress in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as, as he said, secessionist threats in BiH. 


Speaking at a press conference ahead of a meeting of defense ministers of NATO member countries that should be today and Friday, Rutte said that the KFOR mission has been working for more than two decades to preserve a safe and secure environment for "all citizens of Kosovo" and on freedom of movement.


"NATO's commitment to KFOR is still strong," Rutte said, adding that "KFOR is there (in Kosovo)" and will "stay there", reported Tanjug agency.


US Ambassador: Kosovo's membership in the Partnership for Peace depends on progress in the dialogue with Serbia (Beta, Danas, RFE, N1)


The US wants Kosovo to become part of NATO's Partnership for Peace program, but Pristina must first advance in the dialogue with Serbia under the auspices of the European Union (EU), the US ambassador to NATO, Julianne Smith, said yesterday, reported Danas daily. 


"We are pleased to see the great interest of Kosovo in joining the Partnership for Peace. But I think our friends in Kosovo heard our calls loud and clear. We want them to continue investing in the dialogue led by the European Union," Smith told reporters ahead of a meeting of defence ministers of NATO member countries.


She added that such determination was strongly supported by allies in NATO and the EU, reported Danas, citing RFE. 


"At the moment, our focus is on increasing stability in the region, and that is why we are looking for progress in the EU-led dialogue," Smith said.


At Merdare crossing kilometres long columns (RTS, Radio Mitrovica sever)


At the Merdare administrative crossing, the only one where products from central Serbia are allowed to enter Kosovo, kilometres long column of trucks, reported RTS.


RTS reported last night that at the crossing for the sixth day now, there are columns of trucks and freight vehicles with goods from central Serbia, but also from abroad, adding that it was estimated that there are about 300 trucks and freight vehicles.


In addition to trucks from Serbia, there are also trucks from abroad that are in transit, and all of them are waiting at the crossing due to the long-term and detailed control of goods at the terminal on the Kosovo side of the administrative line, where only 20 trucks pass daily.


Otherwise, passenger traffic at this crossing takes place without any problems.


Kosovo Police closed the premises of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Srbica in Mitrovica North (Kosovo Online)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija stated yesterday that ''members of KP broke into the premises of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Srbica and closed them'', which is based in the northern part of Mitrovica, reported Kosovo Online. 


As stated, "during today's day, four plainclothes policemen sealed the premises of this Serbian institution and expelled the workers they found there, with the explanation that they were engaged in 'illegal and unconstitutional activities'".


"Such a move is in direct contradiction to all the agreements and the results of the dialogue and shows that the only thing Kurti knows is to lead a policy of closing, blocking and shutting down. This is the tenth Provisional Authority that the authorities in Pristina have arbitrarily and illegally closed, after the shutdown of the Provisional Authorities in Strpce, Klina, Istok, Gorazdevac, Gora, Kosovska Mitrovica, Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok," the Office announcement stated, adding that ''this is the continuation of the institutional and political repression of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, directed by Albin Kurti, who wants to leave the Serbs without the basic means of living and thereby force them to leave their centuries-old homes".


"It is not enough for the politicians in Pristina that Srbica was already a demoralised and ethnically cleansed city during the pogroms and conflicts, but now and in this way they want to destroy everything Serbian that has to do with this municipality and the Serbian name. Institutions which closure is ordered and implemented by Kurti, in front of the eyes of international community, are the basis of for the formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities and by closing them, Kurti is actually saying unequivocally that he has no intention of ever forming a CSM and fulfilling his obligations arising from the Brussels Agreement. However, he is mistaken if he thinks that Belgrade will ever give up the request to form the CSM or that Belgrade will ever leave its people without help and assistance that it pays them, and will continue to pay,'' concluded the Office.


According to KoSSev, KP along with EULEX, entered the premises of the Municipality of Srbica PA, based in the northern part of Mitrovica, adding that just before the arrival of the police, the Office for KiM announced this. 


Three members of this mission (EULEX) entered the premises of this house with several members of the Kosovo Police, reported KoSSev.


The Kosovo police confirmed that, in cooperation with the prosecutor's office, yesterday they started closing the PA of the Municipality of Srbica, which operates under the laws of Serbia.


"It is a parallel municipality in the north. We entered and are checking, there are many possibilities for this municipality to be closed," Deputy Police Director for North, Veton Elshani said.


UNS: UNMIK concerned about reports on serious threats to Tanjug journalists (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica sever)


Kosovo Online reported that there was no response from KFOR and the Kosovo Police to the question of the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) about the investigation into the threat to kill Tanjug journalists. 


EULEX said that they were not competent, while UNMIK informed the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression.


As previously stated in the Special Prosecutor's Office for high-tech crime, the letter with threats arrived to the Tanjug news agency's editorial mail on September 30 from the territory of Kosovo.


"Freedom of expression is one of the fundamental foundations of a democratic society. The European Union Mission for the Rule of Rights in Kosovo (EULEX) therefore strongly condemns any action that could pose a risk to that freedom, especially in cases of death threats to journalists," the EULEX response said to the question of the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) whether they have launched an investigation and what they are doing in relation to this threat.


EULEX's response added that, as regards the specific case of threats to Tanjug journalists, the scope of that mission was to provide support to institutions in Pristina, and since 2018, EULEX does not have an executive mandate to conduct investigations, so they suggest further addressing local authorities.


UNMIK's response stated that they are concerned about reports of serious threats to Tanjug journalists, according to UNS.


It is essential that journalists can carry out their work freely, without threats or intimidation. We have therefore shared your message with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression for an appropriate response, they said. 


On September 30, the news agency Tanjug received a threatening letter on its editorial email, sent by a person signed as "Trim Bardhi", in which it is stated that every journalist of the agency "will receive a bullet in the back of the head" when he steps on the soil of Kosovo.


Petkovic discussed the situation in Kosovo with the outgoing and new Norwegian envoy for the Western Balkans (Tanjug, NMagazin)


The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, spoke yesterday with the current Special Envoy for the Western Balkans of the MIA of Norway, Haakon Blankenborg, and the newly appointed Special Envoy of that country, Eirik Nestas Mathisen, and informed them of the political and security situation in Kosovo and Belgrade's consistent efforts to normalization of relations with Pristina to lead to permanent peace and stability.


Petkovic pointed out that political actors in Pristina, according to ''old recipes, apply a policy of unilateral moves every day, which leads to destabilization of the situation on the ground and in the entire region'', the Office for KiM announced.


He presented that ''the anti-Serb policy is the only political program of the prime minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti'', which he can offer to his voters before the elections scheduled for February 2025, in the absence of economic improvement and prosperity, reported Tanjug, citing the Office announcement.


Previously Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Norway's outgoing envoy for WB and welcomed the new special envoy Mathisen expressing “Serbia's readiness to work even more vigorously on joint objectives such as stability, prosperity and sustainable development of the Western Balkans’’, read the post on Instagram among other things. 


Zigmanov: The situation in Kosovo unsustainable, with a high level of human rights violations against Serbs (Kosovo Online)


Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue of Serbia, Tomislav Zigmanov, met yesterday with members of the delegation from the Committee for Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, led by Yang Xiaobo.


The discussion focused on the policies that both countries are developing towards national minorities, according to a statement from the Ministry.


Zigmanov highlighted, among other things, the high level of violations of basic human rights against the Serbian and other non-Albanian populations in Kosovo, emphasising that Serbia was doing everything possible, through efforts in the international community, to draw attention to what he described as an unsustainable situation.


Vulin in Moscow again, meets Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service chief (N1, media)


Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin met Wednesday in Moscow with the head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergey Naryshkin, to discuss further advancement and strengthening of cooperation between Serbian and Russian security structures, said the Serbian Government in a press release, reported N1.


Naryshkin highlighted efforts made by Vulin, who, while serving as defense minister, internal affairs minister and Security and Information Agency director, influenced the development of good relations between Serbian and Russian services, said the press release.


It added that Vulin thanked Naryshkin for the dependable and always certain partnership and for the support for Serbia.