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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, August 1, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Government: Financial support for "Trepca" depends on promise to resume increase in production (Koha)
• Gervalla appoints Nita Shala as Kosovo's ambassador to Italy (RTK)
• Members of KIA Supervisory Committee met director Petrit Ajeti (RTK)
• Kurti convenes Security Council, discuss fires and traffic safety (Koha)
• LVV MP asks Osmani: On what grounds did you not allow Konjufca to replace Kurti in the meeting? (Reporteri)
• Abdixhiku asks public actors to boycott RTK (Koha)
• FOL: Government has implemented 33% of 147 activities (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• On the remains of the Dolac monastery near Klina: Albanians erase the traces of the sanctuary (KiM radio, Politika)
• Petkovic: Unlawful ban of dinar in Kosovo, the state will continue with regular payments (Tanjug, RTS)
• Residents of central Kosovo half a year without the dinar: We struggle to function, this is a crime (Kosovo Online)
• North Mitrovica: In addition to the ban on dinars, residents also worried about the shortage of certain products (Kosovo Online)
• Residents of Strpce: Without the dinar, life hard for both the people and the merchants (Kosovo Online)
• A forest owned by Serbs burned down in Susica, they suspect arson (KoSSev, KiM radio, Radio Mitrovica sever)
• Borrell condemned the attacks by bots from Kosovo on Djordje Bojovic, Viola von Cramon's assistant (NMagazin, Beta)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, August 1, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Osmani: Date of regular elections will be announced after some analysis (RTK)
• Kurti called for removal of EU measures against Kosovo (media)
• Osmani: Responsibility must be demanded for not filing indictment against Radoicic (Koha)
• Osmani talks with De Rio about security issues and removal of EU measures (RTK)
• Svecla meets with North Macedonian counterpart, talk about illegal migration (RTK)
• Kusari-Lila disagrees with opposition about January 26, mentions other dates (RTK)
• Ahmetxhekaj: Kurti invited me to his office, wanted change in management of RTK (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

• Djuric met Latvian FM in Riga (Tanjug)
• Petkovic receives farewell visit from OSCE ambassador in Kosovo (Tanjug, RTS)
• Odalovic: Kurti does not care about the missing, Albanians or Serbs (Kosovo Online)
• North Mitrovica Municipality: Allegations of Misconduct and Non-Compliance (KoSSev)
• YIHR and Kosovan Police Remove Offensive Graffiti in Gojbulja (KoSSev, N1)
• Radio Borzani reporter denied access to meeting in Strpce amid dispute over credentials (KoSSev)
• Census results and economy: Causes and consequences of labor force outflow from Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
• Serbian parliament passes declaration on rights and joint future of Serbs (Tanjug, media)

International Media:

• Serbia, Djuric to Nova: "Top priority for EU membership, but with equal rights" (
• Advocates sound alarm over Kosovo’s new media law (VoA)
• The Dua Lipa festival aiming to change Kosovo’s image (BBC)
• Political Parties In Kosovo Seek Date For 2025 Election (RFE)
• Two More Podiums: Paris 2024 Olympics Bring More Joy to Kosovo Athletes (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 31, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti: During the war in Kosovo, Serbia's strategy was to hide the crime (RTK)
• Election date to be known today? Osmani to meet leaders of political parties in afternoon (Telegrafi)
• Bislimi: Cooperation with Sinani will be inseparable (RTK)
• KIJ: Kurti and Bislimi did not have proactive approach to report to Assembly about dialogue (Klan)
• UK ambassador congratulates "Sunny Hill" team for dealing with global issue of violence against women (Klan)
• Haradinaj: In my time, Radoicic fled from Kosovo, in Kurti's time, he became a factor (ekonomia)
• IRI: Kosovars mostly watch television to get information (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

• Petkovic: UNESCO's objective assessment about the danger of Serbian monasteries in Kosovo (NMagazin, Beta, Kosovo Online, Kurir)
• Milivojevic: From words to move to deeds, A/CSM should be the first and previous issue (RTS)
• Transfer of Command at KFOR RC-WEST (N1)
• A Serbian citizen arrested at Jarinje on suspicion of possessing forged Kosovo documents (N1, KoSSev, NMagazin)
• SNS official says early elections possible (N1, Beta, TV Pink)


• Under Rama, Albania is failing on almost every score (Balkan Insight)


• Serbia: Fresh protests threaten EU-backed lithium mining plan (
• Balkan Countries Turn Blind Eye to Growing Loneliness (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 31, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Osmani meets Ambassador Hovenier, discuss security situation (media)
• Zulfaj responds to Varhely about Association: Deal with EU enlargement (RTK)
• Kurti congratulates Ardita Sinani for being elected mayor of Presheva Municipality (RTK)
• EU and Serbia blamed for delays in addressing issue of missing persons (Koha)
• Konjufca congratulates Spiropali: Looking forward to start joint work and deepen cooperation(Kosovapress)
• Poll shows Kosovans want EU and NATO membership, worried about tensions with Serbia (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

• Sejdilar: Gorani in Kosovo without a representative in the government, it shows the government's attitude towards this community (KoSSev)
• How AKP explained the entry of Exfis into the former NIS pump in North Mitrovica (KoSSev)
• 80 new notaries in Kosovo sworn in; none from the Serbian community (Radio Mitrovica sever)
• New local government in Bujanovac, multi-ethnic majority after two decades (RTS)
• Four Serbian sanctuaries in Kosovo on UNESCO's List of World Heritage in Danger for 18 years, what does it indicate? (Kosovo Online)

International Media:

• Ineffective and Inhumane: Denmark-Kosovo Prison Transfer Deal Continues Nordic Discrimination Towards Foreigners (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 30, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Varhelyi: Dialogue is the European path of Kosovo and Serbia (media)
• Osmani and Infantino talk about improving sports infrastructure in Kosovo (Albanian Post)
• Specialized Chambers to reconsider reduction of sentence against Salih Mustafa (Koha)
• Constitution of the investigative committee for school textbooks fails (Reporteri)
• Selmanaj: Kurti not worried about miners, but about election results (RTK)
• Tahiri to Kurti: Enough with promenades in Paris, deal with Trepca’s unpaid miners (media)
• Kurti: Dear migrants, we welcome you today in "Skenderbeu" square in Pristina (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

• Djuric: Dialogue with Pristina challenging, we are proud to be Cyprus’s true friends (Tanjug, RTS)
• Varhelyi: Negotiations on Cluster 3 with Serbia should be opened (Radio Mitrovica sever, Tanjug)
• Srdjan Lazovic's detention extended for another two months (Radio Mitrovica Sever, Kosovo Online)
• Haxhiu: Serb policeman shot dead on eve of lithium contract signing, near planned mine site (KoSSev)
• KFOR: We carefully monitor all relevant security developments in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)
• Rakocevic: UNESCO protection important; establishing Kosovo's cultural heritage not possible (Kosovo Online)
• “No to Rio Tinto – we want clean air, water”: Protests against lithium mining in Serbia (N1)


• EU’s endorsement of lithium mining will further tarnish its reputation in Serbia (EWB)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 30, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Haxhiu: Opposition obstructing reform through Constitutional Court (Koha)
• Krasniqi in Hungarian Parliament: Kosovo urgently needs removal of EU measures (Klan)
• Ministry of Defense announces tender for construction of infrastructure at Gjakova Airport (Reporteri)
• Kurti informs compatriots about Diaspora Investment Window (Reporteri)
• Dreshaj accuses Vetëvendosje of a "coup" in the investigative committee (kosovapress)
• Tahiri: LVV MPs illegally replaced leaders of investigative committe for school textbooks (Ekonomia)
• Kosovo Serbs have 10 days to change their driver's licences (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

• EULEX: We continue to monitor the security situation in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Radio Mitrovica sever, RTS, RTV, Tanjug)
• What will the upcoming elections bring to Kosovo? (Kosovo Online)
• The recently installed Exfis logo has been removed from the former NIS gas station in Mitrovica (KoSSev)
• Shadow Report: REM not enforcing law, media ownership non-transparent, impunity for attacks (N1, NUNS, NMagazin)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 29, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Kosovo receives a loan from Saudi Fund for Pristina - Mitrovica road (media)
• Murati accuses Constitutional Court of delay in publishing full verdict on Law on minimum wage (media)
• LVV MPs call "illegal" meetings of Investigative Committee without presence of head and deputy head (media)
• Albania's FM: Bosnia should reassess its approach to Kosovo (RTK)
• Head of "Friends of America" Association: Political relations with U.S. "cracked" (media)
• Szunyog: Proud to be supporting the next generation (RTK)
• Mustafi: EU report states that Vucevic's Serbia is on a reverse path (RTK)
• NGO "Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians" with demand for 11 municipalities (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

• Djuric: Serbia has its own position regarding Kosovo and military neutrality, this is not in question (Kosovo Online, Novosti)
• Petkovic: As a result of Kurti’s terror, 15 percent of Serbs left northern Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Politika, Danas)
• Rada Trajkovic: The condition for Macron's arrival is the arrest of Radoicic (Beta, NMagazin, N1, media)
• Vucic met Botsan-Kharchenko (Tanjug, media)


• Kosovo man given life sentence for femicide in retrial (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 29, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti: 3941 Serb citizens have applied for conversion of driver's licenses (Nacionale)
• Removal of visas for Serbs - LVV blames EU, AAK sees it violation of sovereignty (Ekonomia)
• CEC: Preparations for elections will start after the date is set (media)
• Abdixhiku to citizens: On one side you have division, on the other the "New Way" (media)
• Hoti: Kurti turned dialogue to zero, attacks on media like in totalitarian states (Reporteri)
• Kandic called for re-excavations in Serbia, in search of bodies of the missing (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucevic: Serbs in Kosovo do not have basic conditions for life (Tanjug, RTS)
• Vilan: After four years in Serbia, I understand all the sensitivity of solving the issue of Kosovo (Tanjug)
• Office for KiM: Threatening graffiti on the house of a Serbian family in Gojbulja village near Vucitrn; SL reaction (RTS, Kosovo Online, media)
• The Kosovo police launched an investigation into graffiti on a family home near Vucitrn (NMagazin, Beta, KoSSev, media)
• UNESCO: Monasteries in Kosovo endangered due to political problems (NMagazin, Beta, KoSSev, Vreme, media)
• Vucic: Lavrov right, Western double standards for Kosovo and Crimea (Kosovo Online)
• Stosic: Only one goal behind the opening of the Bridge on the Ibar – raising tensions (Kosovo Online)

International Media:

• Roma Refugees from Kosovo Still Suffering Exclusion in Serbia – Report (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 26, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Two vehicles belonging to Zvecan municipality set on fire (Koha)
Kosovo marks Memorial Day for police officers killed on duty (Koha)
Union of RTK Workers reacts to developments at public broadcaster (Nacionale)
EU Council appoints new Special Representative for Kosovo (media)
Haxhiu: From now violators will be monitored with electronic bracelets (EO)
Kurti: Honor to sit among world leaders hosted by IOC President (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Radosavljevic: Pristina engaged in forced integration of territory, not integration of population in the north (Kosovo Online)
Former KIA chief inspector claims Svecla did not pass security verification, run away from Gazivode when shooting occurred (KoSSev)
Two vehicles of Zvecan municipality torched last night (KoSSev)
D.D. sent to one month detention (Radio KIM)
Vucic: Macron to visit Belgrade within next fifty days (Tanjug)
Kosovo in June imported goods worth 500 million euros, exported 73 million (Kosovo Online)


Montenegro needs to right itself, now (media)


Kosovo public broadcaster’s director quits over controversial article (BIRN)
New EU Spec. Rep. for BiH, the Great Lakes Region, Kosovo*, and the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, and the mandates of three others extended (

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 26, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

RTK acting director resigns after publication of Slobodna Bosna article (media)
Can the bridge in Mitrovica be opened without the consent of KFOR? (RFE)
Hasani: Poverty the biggest concern of Serb community, not security (KTV)
Brussels says that validity of Basic Agreement should not be questioned (Koha)
AJK reacts to threats against editorial office of online media “Sbunker” (media)
Guterres: Humanity suffering from an extreme heat pandemic (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic to attend opening ceremony of Paris Olympics (Tanjug)
Serbian Democracy reacts to Kosovo police calls to owners of weekend houses to provide documents (Danas, social media)
By jumping off bridge at Gazivode lake, Albanians intend to pay tribute to killed Kosovo police officers (KoSSev)
Surveillance cameras installed at Gazivode lake (Kosovo Online)
AAK MP Kadrijaj says people who were visiting Gazivode organised by Self-determination (Kosovo Online)
“Gallery of Threats” to Serbian Democracy (social media)
Drecun: Investigation to reveal objectives of policeman's killer, Germany not cooperating (Tanjug)
Serbian Government adopts Anti-Corruption Strategy (N1)


Opening the Iber Bridge to car traffic is a bad idea (Sbunker)

International Media:

‘We have built a name: Kosovo Sunny Hill festival founder eyes record year" (BIRN)