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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 26, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Borrell: Leaders of the region must take bold decisions to move towards integration (media)

  • KFOR: Serbia should help on urgently bringing perpetrators of attack in Banjska to justice (Koha)

  • Osmani and Carpenter talk about importance of Kosovo-USA cooperation (RTK)

  • Kurti: Serbia violating agreement, harbouring Radoicic (media)

  • Bislimi: Kosovo is working intensively for membership in SEPA (RTK)

  • Kurti meets Prime Minister of Liechtenstein, talk about cooperation (RTK)

  • Gervalla: Full Euro-Atlantic integration of Kosovo, necessary (RTK)

  • Maqedonci: KSF will have three infantry regiments (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic says health care, education to stay out of Kosovo system (Beta, N1)

  • Mijacic: Svecla's statement inappropriate; education and healthcare are resolved within the framework of dialogue (Kosovo Online)

  • Imeri: All open issues with the Serbian community in Kosovo should be resolved through the A/CSM (Kosovo Online) 

  • Directors of CHC Kosovska Mitrovica and CHC Pristina-Gracanica deny Svecla's statement (Kontakt plus radio, Kosovo Online)

  • COMKFOR: Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue crucial and possible (N1)

  • Vucic: China's support even stronger, I conveyed our frustration to Lajcak (Tanjug, media)

  • Serbian FM met Greek FM, OSCE Acting SG (Tanjug, media) 

  • Momirovic: A meeting of the Joint Committee of CEFTA has been called, the unblocking of the agreement expected (Kosovo Online)

  • Radomirovic dismissed from the post of Deputy Minister for Returns (Blic, Kosovo Online)



Albanian Language Media

Borrell: Leaders of the region must take bold decisions to move towards integration (media)


The EU high representative for foreign policy, Josep Borrell, met on Wednesday in New York the leaders of the countries of the Western Balkans.


They discussed the geopolitical challenges, emphasising the need for strategic harmonisation with the European Union to maintain regional stability.


Borrell said that the Western Balkans is an integral part of the future of Europe. He emphasised the importance of EU-Western Balkans ties and reiterated that "membership in the EU is achievable, provided that the key reforms are followed".


In the announcement distributed by Borrell, it is stated that the meeting was an opportunity to recall the need to resolve existing disputes, while the importance of good neighbourliness achieved through dialogue and compromise as essential steps for EU integration was mentioned.

"Leaders must take bold and strategic decisions to advance their European aspirations," Borrell was quoted as saying.


At the meeting was the President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, the President of North Macedonia, Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, the President of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Denis Becirovic, the Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs and Europe of Montenegro, Filip Ivanovic and the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vucic.


KFOR: Serbia should help on urgently bringing perpetrators of attack in Banjska to justice (Koha)


The commander of KFOR, Ozkan Ulutash, has said that those responsible for the attack in Banjska of Zvecan in September of last year, must be urgently brought to justice. He said that NATO asks Serbia to help ensure full responsibility for this case.


"KFOR aims to ensure that such attacks are not repeated. It is important that both sides refrain from uncoordinated actions that could inflame tensions, endanger security or endanger KFOR soldiers. NATO continues to support the EU-facilitated dialogue as a framework to achieve a long-term and sustainable solution that respects the rights of all communities", said the outgoing commander, Major General Ulutash, during his speech at the NATO headquarters in Brussels.


Major General Ulutash will be succeeded by Major General Enrico Barduani, from Italy.


Osmani and Carpenter talk about importance of Kosovo-USA cooperation (RTK)


The President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, during her stay in New York, met with Senior Director for Europe at the White House Security Council, Ambassador Michael Carpenter. "Grateful for another meeting with Ambassador Michael Carpenter, Senior Director for Europe at the White House Security Council, where we discussed the importance of Kosovo-USA cooperation in successfully overcoming common challenges", Osmani wrote.


Osmani announced that she also met the presidents of Gabon, Bulgaria and Fiji, with whom they discussed, among other things, the deepening of cooperation.


Kurti: Serbia violating agreement, harbouring Radoicic (media)


The news website reports about an interview of Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti with Politico, blamingSerbia for the lack of progress in EU-brokered normalisation talks, accusing its President Aleksandar Vucic of harbouring the leader of armed incursion into Kosovo and failing to implement a peace deal.


“Where’s the signature? The approach of Belgrade is not normalising relations with Kosovo,” said Kurti, a day after he participated in a Brussels lunch organised by the European Commission alongside his Serbian counterpart. “How come they said yes to the [Ohrid] Agreement but refused to sign it?”


Despite sharing the same table in Brussels last week, the two Balkan leaders didn’t speak directly and have continued to trade barbs. After Vucic said he had “no relationship” with Kurti, the Kosovo leader hit back: “When he speaks, I don’t intervene. Whenever I speak, he complains.”


Kurti accused the Serbian government of violating their agreement “time and again” and of harbouring Milan Radoicic. “Radoicic is free and at large in Serbia protected and financed by Serbia,” said Kurti.


He also pointed the finger at top EU diplomat Josep Borrell and the bloc’s special representative to the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak. “The problem is that Mr. Borrell and Lajcak did not blow the whistle when there was a violation. Imagine a referee going around on a football pitch without the whistle.”


Bislimi: Kosovo is working intensively for membership in SEPA (RTK)


Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi participated in the discussion panel "SEPA Accession - Economic Benefits for Kosovo" held at the Europe House. He said that Kosovo is working intensively for membership in the Single Euro Payments Market (SEPA).


"He underlined the work that is being done regarding the adoption of three necessary laws such as the law on banks, the law on payment services and the law on preventing money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. Also, the Deputy Prime Minister emphasised that the Central Bank of Kosovo has drafted 20 regulations related to SEPA, which are expected to be approved after the approval of these laws in the Assembly of the Republic", the announcement states.


Kurti meets Prime Minister of Liechtenstein, talk about cooperation (RTK)


Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, began his participation in the High-Level Week of the United Nations General Assembly with a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of the Principality of Liechtenstein, Daniel Risch.


According to the announcement of the government, this meeting in New York took place while in Prishtina representatives of the two governments are holding the fourth round of discussions about the EFTA agreement, for which the prime minister expressed optimism for its finalisation and that it would contribute to the growth of economic and trade relations.


Kurti also met with the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, at the premises of the General Consulate of Kosovo. They discussed economic performance in recent years as well as implementation of the programs that Kosovo has with the IMF.


Gervalla: Full Euro-Atlantic integration of Kosovo, necessary (RTK)


Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla, has once again emphasised Kosovo's steadfast commitment to Euro-Atlantic integration, and said that Kosovo is ready and prepared to contribute to peace and stability. She gave this statement in New York, at the meeting of the US-Adriatic Charter.


As stated in the announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister Gervalla has stated that the full integration of Kosovo and those countries in the region, which have a western orientation in the Euro-Atlantic structures, is necessary to guarantee a stable region and to face new challenges of security, intensified by the negative influences of Russia and its allies in the region.


Maqedonci: KSF will have three infantry regiments (RTK)


Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, said that at the end of 2025, the KSF will have three infantry regiments validated to carry out combat tasks in defence of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kosovo.


Minister Macedonci stated that in the last three years, about 249 million euros have been spent on the purchase of weapon systems and that there are over 4,000 active members in the Kosovo Security Force.


Macedonci added that the Bajraktar drone system is already operational in the KSF, which is run by a new unit that has been created as an unmanned aerial unit. As for the current maintenance, KSF has had support from the United States of America and from Germany with various equipment and donations.


Macedonci said that the national comprehensive defence program has also been approved, which is a relatively new concept within NATO and which aims to include the entire society in the field of defence and in Kosovo’s defence system through a government strategy.


He said that Serbia’s harbouring of attackers is worrying "The start of the judicial process against the paramilitary terrorist group that attempted a partial annexation of the territory of Kosovo in Banjska last year is well-received and positive," said Minister of Defense Ejup Maqedonci.


He said that it is important to increase the international pressure on Serbia to hand over the attackers to Kosovo, where their extradition would be done according to international rules, and so far there has been no will at all from the structures of Serbia to hand them over, nor to distance from the very action of this group.


Serbian Language Media 

Vucic says health care, education to stay out of Kosovo system (Beta, N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday rejected claims that the Serbian education and health care systems in northern Kosovo could be merged into the Pristina-controlled systems.

“That won’t happen. Their police can come and close the schools and nurseries but nothing more will happen. We will continue paying teachers’ salaries, working with children and I don’t think that will be easy,” he told reporters in New York where he is attending the UN GA.

Vucic’s comments followed a statement by Kosovo Internal Affairs Minister Xhelal Svecla who said that every institution outside the Kosovo systems will be shut down but that Serbian health care and education enjoy a specific status because of the Ahtisaari Plan but that they will have to operate under Kosovo laws.

He also denied Pristina’s claim that the Serbs accounted for just 4 percent of the population of Kosovo, saying that there were more than 8 percent of Serbs.

Mijacic: Svecla's statement inappropriate; education and healthcare are resolved within the framework of dialogue (Kosovo Online)

Dragisa Mijacic, coordinator of the Working Group of the National Convention on the EU for Chapter 35, commented on the recent statement by Kosovo's Minister of Police, Xhelalc, regarding the functioning of healthcare and education in Serbian communities in Kosovo. Speaking to Kosovo Online, Mijacic said that it is "indicative" that the Minister of Police is discussing these sectors, adding that it reflects how the Kosovo government operates.

"We are in the midst of an election campaign, so we can expect various statements like Mr. Svecla's," Mijacic said, reacting to the minister's earlier statement that education and healthcare would no longer function under the Serbian system and would be integrated into Kosovo's legal framework.

He pointed out that it is unusual for the Minister of Police to talk about the functioning of healthcare and education.

"Surely, we should be hearing something from the Minister of Health and the Minister of Education, not the police regulating the operations of these important institutions in Serbian areas. This alone shows how the Kosovo government functions—by sending a message to Kosovo Serbs through a repressive police element about whether they should have healthcare and education, and under what conditions. It is truly an inappropriate statement. Education and healthcare are matters that are addressed within the framework of the Brussels dialogue, everything that is being negotiated between the two sides, and are certainly defined by the Kosovo Constitution and the Ahtisaari Plan," Mijacic explained.

He added that the Minister of Police should focus on other issues, not on the functioning of these two institutions in Serbian communities.

Imeri: All open issues with the Serbian community in Kosovo should be resolved through the A/CSM (Kosovo Online) 

Political analyst Visar Imeri told Kosovo Online,  that after the formation of the Association/Community of Serb Municipalities (A/CSM), all institutions in Kosovo should operate under Kosovo's laws, as this is the best solution.

Imeri responded to a statement made by Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla in regard to health and education system operating in Serbian majority municipalities

Imeri explained that the A/CSM is envisioned under the EU statute, outlining how schools and hospitals, along with the entire healthcare and education system, should be registered and function in accordance with Kosovo’s laws while being under the administration of the A/CSM.

"This is the greatest responsibility that the A/CSM will have. I support dialogue and believe that this is the best path forward. The formation of the A/CSM should resolve all these issues related to schools, hospitals, the use of the dinar, and everything currently being discussed. All open questions with the Serbian community in Kosovo should be resolved through it. The minister says it will be resolved according to Kosovo's laws, meaning this should have been handled through dialogue and the A/CSM, and once it’s formed all institutions in Kosovo should operate under Kosovo's laws, as outlined by the statute, and I think that is the best solution," Imeri stated.

He further highlighted that Kosovo’s PM Albin Kurti has agreed to the formation of the A/CSM.

"Kurti has agreed to the A/CSM, but he won’t implement it fully because it would cost him votes. However, they are discussing the possibility of implementing parts of the agreement in certain sectors, rather than forming the A/CSM in its entirety, though I believe the end result will be the same," Imeri added.

Directors of CHC Kosovska Mitrovica and CHC Pristina-Gracanica deny Svecla's statement (Kontakt plus radio, Kosovo Online)

Director of CHC Kosovska Mitrovica, Zlatan Elek, stated that health institutions in Kosovo that function in the Serbian system do not have any communication with Kosovo health institutions. As Elek said, he was surprised by Svecla's statement that he read, and he is even more surprised that the Minister of Police is talking about health.

The director of KBC Pristina with temporary headquarters in Gracanica, Bratislav Lazic, denied the statement of Kosovo's Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, that health institutions in Serbian areas are in communication with the Ministry of Health of Kosovo regarding the status of health institutions, saying that the institution he leads has no contact with the said ministry, as well as with the Kosovo government.

COMKFOR: Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue crucial and possible (N1)

Outgoing KFOR commander Turkish Major General Ozkan Ulutas said on Wednesday the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue is both crucial to stability and possible, reported N1.

“Moving the political dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina forward remains crucial and I firmly believe it is possible however it demands courage and commitment from all sides,” the general said in a speech at NATO headquarters in Brussels. The Political dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina continues to face hurdles. NATO and KFOR fully support the EU facilitated dialogue as the framework for lasting solutions to pending issues,” Ulutas said.

According to him, collaboration with European Union, OSCE, UN, Kosovo institutions, the diplomatic community at large and the Chief of Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces remains critical for security in Kosovo and regional stability. The general said that KFOR under his command, prevent risks of renewed violence and contained situations which could have led to escalation working with all communities.

He said his message to all communities in Kosovo is one of hope and perseverance. “I urge all communities to continue trying for understanding and cooperation,” he said and added that despite their differences, all communities in Kosovo share a common hope for a peaceful and prosperous future.

The general warned of remaining challenges. “Tensions still simmer and mistrust between communities hampers progress,” he said.

“I remain optimistic that these obstacles can be overcome with patience, persistence and constructive attitude by all sides,” the general added.

Vucic: China's support even stronger, I conveyed our frustration to Lajcak (Tanjug, media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday in New York he had met with Chinese FM Wang Yi and that China's top diplomat had expressed even more strongly the support for Serbia's territorial integrity regarding Kosovo. 

Vucic said he had also met with the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak to point out that everything signed and accepted under the Brussels Agreement had been destroyed.

"I spoke with Chinese FM Wang Yi in a truly friendly discussion, and I am grateful for the steely friendship and support. I think Wang Yi was very resolute and clear when it comes to respect of international public law and Serbia's territorial integrity," Vucic told reporters, noting that China's messages were always clear but that Wang's statement on the issue even seemed to be slightly stronger.

He said he had also discussed all problems in the Middle East and the Balkans with the president of Iran.

"He presented his positions and I presented mine," Vucic said.

"I would like to thank them for supporting the territorial integrity of Serbia, just like we will always support the territorial integrity of every internationally recognized country, including Iran, of course. We also discussed some other, economic topics," he said.

"This morning, US time, I had a discussion with Lajcak and I told him how embittered and frustrated we are by everything, by the destruction of all that was signed and accepted in Brussels in 2013 - by police troops in the north, the ban on the dinar and post offices, the ban on Serbian goods from central Serbia and by reasons that are always made up, in fact, with the sole objective of expelling the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija," Vucic said.

Serbian FM met Greek FM, OSCE Acting SG (Tanjug, media)

Serbian FM Marko Djuric met with Greek FM Giorgos Gerapetritis in New York on Wednesday to inform him of the difficult position of Serbs in Kosovo.

Djuric said that, based on the traditional friendship and close ties between the two countries and the two nations, Serbia was committed to further step up bilateral political dialogue with Greece at high and the highest level and strengthen cooperation in all fields of mutual interest, the Serbian MFA said in a statement, adding that Serbia was interested in advancing its economic cooperation with Greece, especially by increasing the trade volume as well as through an inflow of Greek investments.

Djuric thanked Greece for its persevering position of non-recognition of Kosovo, noting that Serbia hoped that Greece, also as a non-permanent UN Security Council member, would continue to support a resolution of the problem in the Kosovo through dialogue, with full respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and UNSCR 1244.

He informed the Greek counterpart of the difficult position the Kosovo Serbs were in due to Pristina's unilateral acts and noted that the fight for their human and political rights also represented a defence of the fundamental European values.

Speaking about Serbia's EU path, he particularly thanked Greece as a member of the Friends of the Western Balkans Group for advocating a faster EU accession process for the region.

Djuric also met the Acting Secretary General of the OSCE, Catherine Fearon, and spoke about "especially the importance of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and Metohija, in the context of the problems faced by the Serbian people there". He pointed out that the security situation in Kosovo is a cause for deep concern, stressing that only a strong international presence, which respects international legal documents, can guarantee the safety of all in Kosovo, reported media, citing the statement.

Momirovic: A meeting of the Joint Committee of CEFTA has been called, the unblocking of the agreement expected (Kosovo Online)

The Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade of Serbia, Tomislav Momirovic, said today in Berlin that a special meeting of the Joint Committee of CEFTA has been called for October 9 in Belgrade, at which the unblocking of the CEFTA agreement is expected. He points out that in this way, the "illegal trade blockade" for goods arriving in Kosovo from central Serbia would be lifted.

Radomirovic dismissed from the post of Deputy Minister for Returns (Blic, Kosovo Online)

The Deputy Minister for Communities and Return in the Government of Kosovo, Radoica Radomirovic, told Kosovo Online that he had been removed from that position, stressing that he expected such a decision since he had disagreements with Minister Nenad Rasic over the redistribution of funds for the north, which is why a few days ago he left the "Freedom, Justice and Survival" party.

He points out that he and his close associates will continue to be involved in political life, adding that he will certainly participate in the parliamentary elections with his team.