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Election campaign ends today at midnight (Radio Kosova)

At midnight ends election campaign for early general elections of 8 June. Political parties will continue with their final meetings with commitments for fast economic growth and with the creation of hundreds of thousands of working places. Kosovo Central Election Commission (CEC) has informed that they have made final preparations about Sunday’s elections. According to Xhemajl Pecani from CEC all sensitive election materials are ready and that it has started with the distribution of these materials in all polling stations.

For Sundays elections 30 political subjects are certified with 1235 candidates to race for seats in Kosovo Assembly, about 30,000 thousand national and international observers to monitor 2,374 polling stations.

Political subject in Kosovo will use the last day for their election campaign, while on Sunday 1,782,454 voters divided in 38 municipalities, including northern municipalities with Serb majority. Also in these elections CEC will implement the project K-vote, where it is going to publish preliminary results. Kosovo continues to be one election zone, while it will be used proportional system with open lists. Kosovo Assembly will have 120 deputies, 20 seats will be guaranteed for minority communities, ten for members of Serb community and twenty for other minority communities