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The main opposition party continues to remain silent (Radio Kosova)

It still continues the silence of the Head of Kosovo Democratic League (LDK) Isa Mustafa about the acceptance of the results from the 8 June elections. Even that the party of Isa Mustafa didn’t come forward with an official statement, a candidate from this party, Bardhyl Meta, congratulated the Head of Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Hashim Thaci for the victory in parliamentary elections.

Meantime, Vetevendosje movement has accepted election result, but it considers that they are the only ones who have doubled their votes since last elections. Secretary of this movement, Dardan Molliqaj said in a press conference that these elections were better organized than the ones in 2010 and with this result Vetevendosje would know the path to bring down PDK, the same as it has been done with LDK in local elections in Pristina.

In other side General Secretary of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Burim Ramadani didn't comment on the election result, neither the possibility for coalitions of this political subject, but he said that there was a smooth election process and it will be respected the vote and the trust of citizens for the Alliance