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Kosovo should have a stable government says Daniel Serwer (Radio Kosova)

Kosovo should have a stable government and about this Kosovo political parties should have an agreement about priority issues that have to do with Kosovo, says American analyst for Balkans, Daniel Serwer. In an interview for Radio Kosova he talked also about international Tribunal, which according to him, will deal with committed crimes in Kosovo.

Serwer said that the situation through which is going Kosovo should not be very concerning. He said that Kosovo political parties should also consider establishing a comprehensive government if it is connected with priority issues for Kosovo. “It is better to be established a broad and more stable government, especially with the problems that has Kosovo. Establishing a government is often difficult, but Kosovar parties should have an agreement for priority issues. Serbs are going to be part of the government, but no one wants them to block the establishment of Kosovo Armed Forces, all this issues should be considered,” said Serwer.

While talking about the report presented from American prosecutor Clint Williamson, Analyst Daniel Serwer says that this report has put an end to the speculations for organ trafficking, but according to him there were crimes committed against humanity in Kosovo and about this it should be punished specific individuals.

Serwer also talked about participation of Kosovars in conflicts in Syria and Iraq, saying that this is now a global problem. He called on Kosovar authorities to try and prevent Kosovo citizens from going there.