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Haziri sees Vucic’s visit to Kosovo as a pilgrimage (Indeksonline)

Lutfi Haziri, deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo. Sees the visit of Serbia’s Prime Minister in Kosovo together with the other ministers for Orthodox holidays, as a pilgrimage. “Kosovo cannot be endangered by Serbia,” said Haziri, who is also mayor of Gjilan, a municipality where Serbia’s PM Aleksandar Vicic will start his visit in Kosovo, at Pasjan village, in order to attend inauguration of the maternity hospital.

In an interview for Kosovo’s public broadcaster, RTK, Haziri spoke also about the elections within LDK, saying that this party will have an extremely powerful leadership.

Commenting the recent migrations from Kosovo, Haziri said that he considers more concerning the fact that some citizens are participating in foreign wars, especially when radicalism is involved.

He sees leaving Kosovo for better opportunities as a process caused due to the lack of visa liberalization, however, he added that those who leave in this manner risk their future and freedom to move freely at the time when majority will be able to do so.

“They will have limitations to move in the EU,” he said adding that free movement will be guaranteed only for those who did not cause problems or violate laws.