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Jablanovic expected to be appointed chairman of the Association of Serb municipalities (Lajmi)

Aleksandar Jablanovic, the former Communities and Returns Minister in the Kosovo government who was dismissed from duty after insulting families of missing persons in Gjakova/Djakovica, is expected to be appointed chairman of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. One day after the government in Pristina said there would be no talks on the establishment of the Association/Community without first implementing the other points of the April 19 agreement, Serb political representatives decided to meet today in Gracanica and start consultations on the formation of the Association, without Pristina’s consent. A member of the Kosovo government, who preferred to remain anonymous, told Lajmi: “the establishment of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities without the consent of the Kosovo government, despite the agreement for this to happen in the future, and the appointment of Jablanovic as chairman of the Association, will further the gap between partners of the ruling coalition in Kosovo, the Serbian List on the one side, and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) on the other”. The source also said that decisions that will be made in Gracanica today, be it for the Association or for Jablanovic, will be unacceptable and will put Kosovo Serbs in a dead-end situation.