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Krusha prepares lawsuit against Serbia (Telegrafi)

The village of Krusha, Municipality of Rahovec/Orahovac, is expected to file a lawsuit against Serbia for the alleged crimes committed in this village.  Mayor of the village, Selami Hoti said that the locals have opened an office in the village, in which are being offered evidence for criminal and civil lawsuits to be filed for crimes that happened during the conflict in 1999.  "Half of the residents of the village have already reported damages and evidence that they have. Also, we ask all those who still have not submitted their claims to do so as soon as possible," said Hoti. He said he expects help from people who were aware of the crimes committed in the village. "We also expect to have additional evidence from various journalists who were in the village at that time,” added Hoti.  There are 60 residents of the village that are still missing from 1999.