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If Pristina does not vote on special court, UN SC will address the matter (Lajmi)

The Deputy Ambassador of a Western embassy in Pristina implied today that the upcoming session of the United Nations Security Council could address the establishment of a special court that will deal with war crimes allegations in Kosovo. Pristina is alarmed by this news that came from the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Kosovo Assembly Presidency called a meeting for 11:00 today and it is expected to summon an extraordinary session of the Assembly for today. “I wish that the Kosovo Assembly will finally vote in favor of the establishment of the special court, after all the delay that has caused concern at the United Nations Security Council, especially among countries that support Kosovo,” the deputy ambassador, who preferred to remain anonymous, told the news site. The western diplomat said that the failure of the Assembly to establish this court would be a setback for Kosovo and would cool its relations with international allies. “No one knows the truth about allegations against the KLA but all Kosovo allies and myself want to learn this truth. It is time for the Assembly to decide if the people of Kosovo should continue bearing this stain or should that be removed so that it doesn’t stain Kosovo’s fight for freedom for which we all fought together … Kosovo is an independent and sovereign country, not even supervised anymore. It has been recognised by more than 100 UN members and we, as its allies, think that the Assembly should not give the Russia or its allies the pleasure to open at the Security Council the topic of establishing this court,” said the unnamed diplomat who has been serving in Kosovo for more than three years. He said that war crimes allegations are not attributed to the Kosovo Liberation Army but certain individuals because western countries have recognised this liberation army and contributed to Kosovo’s liberation.