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There is a video-recording which proves that Kumanovo was not an incident (

Media in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), reported that a foreign intelligence service possesses a video and audio recording which proves that the incident in Kumanovo was an deal and a professional set-up.

The recording reportedly shows clearly how inspectors of FYROM intelligence service contact the Kosovo group. This material will enlighten the truth about the role of the FYROM intelligence service and some political figures before and during the incident.

These recordings made FYROM authorities to admit that Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski had to accept resignation of his closest associates, Minister Gordana Jankulovska and Director of the Administration for Security and Counterintelligence Saso Mijalkov, due to the international pressure and revolt.  These videos prove that heads of the FYROM Ministry of Internal Affairs and intelligence service were directly involved in the Kumanovo incident.

Media further report that Kumanovo case should be enlightened by some independent international investigation, being that some of the individuals from Kosovo group were controlled by two European powerful intelligence services.

It is being said that Kumanovo case could be dangerous for Prime Minister Gruevski only if he resigned from his position and if an international investigation took place. According to Zurnal newspaper, Gruevski himself will have to resign due to these audio-video recording evidences on Kumanovo case.