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Internationals reject LDK’s request for special court to investigate post-war crimes (Indeksonline)

The possibility for the special court to investigate the post-war murders is closed, being that the international factor has rejected it.

Adem Salihaj, deputy from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), who was a victim of an assassination attempt, said that the international factor is against the proposal for the special court to investigate crimes after 2000. “We have discussed this issue several times and some of us, deputies, requested inclusion of the investigations by the special court for the period after the 2000. However, we were told time and again that the international position is to close this period … so this was the answer. We were also told that not even a single comma can be changed from the draft compiled by internationals.” Salihaj said. He added that he is not optimistic on the investigation of the after-war crimes, being that he does not consider justice in Kosovo to be independent.

One of the loudest deputies of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Melihate Termkolli also said that it is impossible for the special court to investigate those crimes due to the fact that the international factor does not want this. “There is no question that post war crimes have to be investigated, be it from the special court or a super-special one, I do not know, but investigation has to take place. Those macabre murders have to be enlightened. We as LDK have made efforts to reach this through the special court, I am not aware of any promises, however the special court’s period of time includes some of the murders with political motive, therefore this could be a good ground for investigation of the other cases as well. No, we did not receive any promises however we have insisted a lot, I do not know what will happen in the end,” Termkolli said.