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Haradinaj: The Special Court, EULEX and UNMIK are of the same material (Indeksonline)

Ramush Haradinaj, ,leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said in an interview for Radio Dukagjini that the worst thing about the special court is that according to him, it is selective and it affects only Albanians. He further added that he is not surprised by the fact that the special court could seek evidence and investigate Dukagjini zone, because it is well known that the war happened there. “The fighting happened in Dukagjin, and the war did not end earlier as in other zones. The war took place there all the time. It was more intensive. All the persistence of Serbia for investigations after the war was focused the most on this zone. Everything that happened in Dukagjini zone – major or minor – was treated by the Hague Tribunal,” he said.

Haradinaj stressed that he does not understand how the international community finds face to continue with investigations on former KLA members, when according to him, UNMIK, The Hague Tribunal and EULEX dealt with this issue.

Haradinaj stressed that the special court is yet another deception.   “Yet another deception that is coming. It is from the same material, some people will profit by receiving salaries, nothing more,” said Haradinaj.