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Bahtiri: Serbia’s trade with Albanin properties should stop (Kosovapres)

Mitrovica mayor, Agim Bahtiri, has requested from the most senior institutions of Kosovo to undertake immediate measures which would prevent Serbia’s buying of Albanian properties in northern Kosovo. “Serbia is not stopping with its ethnic cleansing in the neighborhoods of Mitrovica North. This is not happening any more with violent expelling of the population from there, but by allocating enormous funds to buy their properties. Special funds are being allocated for this purpose. This tendency of the Serbian state should be interrupted immediately. Being that the local institutions cannot do this, I request from the government of Kosovo, Kosovo Assembly and other institutions of central level to engage seriously on interruption of this tendency,” Bahtiri said. He added that if Kosovo institutions are not able to stop these actions, than Kosovo government should also allocate funds to buy these houses and return displaced Albanian families there.