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Hyseni to KFOR Commander: Dikovic’s visit, unacceptable (Koha)

Kosovo Interior Minister Skender Hsyeni met today with KFOR Commander Maj. Gen. Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta to discuss the recent visit of the Serbian Armed Forces Chief-of-Staff Gen. Ljubisa Dikovic in Kosovo. A press release issued by Interior Ministry noted that Hyseni expressed his concern over the recent visit of Gen. Dikovic in Kosovo.“Such visits of Serbian military personnel accused by human rights associations for war crimes in Kosovo, do not contribute to the overall safety and security in Kosovo. Moreover, such visits could destabilize the situation. As such, these visits are unacceptable and should not happen,” Hyseni was quoted as saying.  The press release further notes that “Hyseni and Gen. Miglietta agreed that communication between KFOR and Interior Ministry to be more effective in the future so that visits by individuals accused for war crimes in Kosovo do not happen.”