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Thaci: The EU is insulting and provoking us (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, said today that he was disappointed with the EU’s delay in granting visa liberalization to Kosovo. “This is a direct insult against the people of Kosovo. We have worked for so many years in meeting the criteria and standards so that we can enjoy all rights as citizens of Europe. I am disappointed with the EU’s delay with visa liberalization. This is a serious provocation and a result of the inability of the EU. The people of Kosovo must know the truth. We have met all the criteria required for visa liberalization. They have asked us for additional criteria, we have met them, but we have yet to be accepted. Further delays in this process are unreasonable. We are tired with statements that we are like all Europeans. We are more European than other citizens in the region. The public in Kosovo is pro-European and pro-NATO. This orientation is not an obligation but rather an embodiment of our values. We call on the EU leadership to make the right decision for Kosovo. These absurd and intentional delays are unrighteous for Kosovo; they can trigger negative phenomena and we will be blamed for this. Kosovo is a champion in the fight against terror,” Thaci said.