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U.S.: Kosovo-Montenegro border demarcation agreement in accordance to 1974 maps (Telegrafi)

The United States Embassy in Pristina announced that the U.S. State Department has reviewed the Kosovo-Montenegro border demarcation document prepared by the Kosovo State Commission for Marking and Maintenance of the State Border. “We understand the basis for the Commission’s demarcation effort was the 1974 Yugoslav Constitution, which defined Kosovo’s border from the administrative borders of municipalities, which are broken into cadastral zones.  This basis of delineation was also used in the 2007 Comprehensive Settlement Proposal of UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari and the 2008 Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo,” a press release issued by the U.S. Embassy states. It adds that following the review of all relevant maps, the State Department has concluded that “the recently-delimited border closely aligns with the border as defined by the 1974 Constitution.”  The State Department stressed the importance of the border demarcation agreement adding it is a condition for the visa liberalization process and an important step towards European integration.