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Veseli: Assembly on Friday to decide on visa liberalization issues (Koha)

The President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, confirmed after the meeting with the heads of parliamentary groups that the regular plenary session will be held on Friday at 10:00 hours. They will discuss 22 points of the agenda.

“We are continuing with a positive atmosphere. Being that tomorrow is a special day, we congratulate citizens for the eighth anniversary of the independence,’ Veseli said.

“On Firday’s session we will have decision making on the issues that the citizens are waiting for. They are related with the visa liberalization,” he stressed.

Asked about the solemn session proposed by the parliamentary group of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Veseli said that if the two governing parties would agree, he would be obliged call for the session. ”If the two governing parties, PDK and LDK want a solemn session, I would be obliged to call for the session. Furthermore, they could even set the time. They can do it even today, with 40 signatures. If they want, they can do the same with the issue of the election of the president,” Veseli said.

He said he expects beautiful sequences from Friday’s session, adding that he was not speaking ironically but that he believes for this to happen. “We have a strong opposition but it should not be destructive. We expect their understanding,” said Veseli.