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 FYROM media: A group of 40 armed Kosovars close to Tanushe village (

FYROM media, which gained large sums during the VMRO-DPMNE-BDI governing, are using an alleged danger coming from Kosovo, as a justification for the scandalous decision for amnesty by the FYROM President, George Ivanov for the politicians suspected for crimes.

In its last issue, Republika writes that one of the major reasons for Ivanov’s decision on amnesty was reach of national reconciliation for FYROM to make it easier to face the security threats coming from refugees at the southern border and “from a group of Kosovar terrorists” in the northern border.

“While we had four well-coordinated attempts of entrance of 1000 refugees from the Greek territory at four different locations, the main threat comes again from Kosovo, where operations for terrorist attacks in FYROM have been in preparation for months now.

Well-informed sources told Republika that while refugees in the south were exhausting and de-concentrating security services, a group of forty terrorists tried to enter FYROM territory with a truck filled with armament.

Intelligent services received this information and undertook increased security measures in the field. This is the reason why helicopters have been flying non-stop over the capital city. FYROM intelligent services have already informed their colleagues from ally countries, EU and NATO that the country is in danger because of people close to the leaders of Kumanovo Group. This group, led by Sami Ukshini’s (known as Commander Sokoli) brother and close to Daut Haradinaj, planed attacks over the courts, kidnapping of police officers, who would be later exchanged for those arrested in Kumanovo and for urban terrorism,” writes Republika.

According to the information of this magazine, one of the groups initially planned an attack in FYROM on 30 March, during the trial of those arrested in Kumanovo. “According to the analysis of the intelligence services, this attack was impeded by FYROM operations; however the group which is now stationed at a Kosovo village, close to the border with FYROM, in the Tanushe region, still represents a danger. The group managed to send armament and ammunition to FYROM, and intended to use FYROM's political clashes which caused repercussions also at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to commit terrorist acts with the intention of long term destabilization of FYROM,” Republika wrote adding that “Ivanov most certainly analyzed the dangers prior to the decision on abolition.”

This is not the first time this year for FYROM media to speculate with alleged information on armed Kosovar at the border with the FYROM. However, such news were denied both by the inhabitants at the border region and by those mentioned as leaders of the group.