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Opposition parties firm on border demarcation deal (Telegrafi)

Opposition parties seem likely to stand firm in their determination to oppose the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro despite the European Commission's (EC) position that its ratification is a condition for visa liberalization. Vetevendosje MP, Albulena Haxhiu, said that this condition is unjust and added that such a demand was not imposed on other countries of the region before granting their visa liberalization. “We are not ready to make compromises with our territory”, said Haxhiu. She noted that Vetevendosje is not against the border demarcation process, but that it needs to be carried out differently.  “After all, the EU has not asked us to ratify the current demarcation agreement by all means. Its request is to simply resolve the demarcation issue”, said Haxhiu. “If you take into account that Montenegro has expressed readiness to review the agreement, then our Government needs to do, is to have the will to correct its mistakes or face an unyielding resistance from Vetevendosje Movement”, she added. The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) has the same stand. The party’s spokesperson, Muharrem Nitaj, said that Kosovo will be granted visa liberalization with or without the ratification of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. “It is not true that the liberalization is being conditioned with the border”, said Nitaj.