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AAK and NISMA urge MPs not to vote demarcation deal (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) during a joint press conference today urged the Kosovo Assembly MPs not to vote the border-demarcation deal with Montenegro.  AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj said that sending the border-demarcation agreement to the Assembly for ratification was the wrong choice. “Today the leadership will decide when to send the demarcation agreement to the Assembly. This is the wrong choice and is being opposed by the opposition and citizens. I hope the MPs will reject the current agreement, because it would open way for a political solution,” he said. Haradinaj also said that now is the time for the residents of Rugova to defend their land. “I'm making an analogy. Ibrahim Rugova during the war had urged every citizen to defend their land. The time has come for Rugova residents to protect their land now,” he said.

While NISMA leader Fatmir Limaj said the government lacks the willingness and desire to work for Kosovo’s best interest.  “The government has not made any steps to review this agreement. This government the least cares about Kosovo’s stability,” Limaj said.