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FYROM uses harsh tone criticizing Albania and Kosovo (

The Foreign Minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Nikola Popov, assesses that it is not proper or suitable for Albania and Kosovo to interfere on the internal affairs of FYROM. “It is not decent and not appropriate when the Prime Minister or the President of the neighboring country interferes directly on the internal affairs, especially during the period of implementation of the elections in e democratic manner and prior to the creation of the government. Wrong messages are being sent in the region. This kind of approach towards a country with a multi-cultural tradition is certainly dangerous. This is far from the practice of good neighborhood. If we all have the consent that our future is in Europe, then the war is to assure stability, peace, justice and economic prosperity for all citizens. We have always been completely correct in cooperation with the neighbors. It would have been the best if they also join us in this path, instead of setting mines which bring danger for all of us,” Minister Poposki said.

The reaction comes after the Joint platform of the Albanian political parties in FYROM, BDI, BESA movement and the Alliance for Albanians, which derived from their meetings with the leaders of Albania and Kosovo.