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"Work on demarcation starts this week" (Indeksonline)

Florim Isufi, member of the new Committee for demarcation of the border with Montenegro, says that this commission will start with its work within this week, while the report is expected to be ready for one month.

He said that they are completing documentation and after this, head of the Committee, Shpejtim Bulliqi, will consult the Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj on the start of the work. “If my will was considered, we would have started today, but I believe that it will start this week,” Isufaj said.

The government of Kosovo approved last week the nomination of the new members of the Committee, after Haradinaj’s formal dismissal of the old one.

Members of the new Committee are Shpejtim Bulliqi, from University of Pristina, who is also head of the Committee, Zejnullah Gruda, also from the University of Pristina, Martin Berishaj from University of Ljubljana, Hamit Basholi, surveying engineer , Florim Isufaj and Riza Smakaj from the University of Pristina.