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Kosovo MPs pleased with functioning of justice in Mitrovica (RTK)

A group of Kosovo MPs and representatives of the Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI) visited today the basic prosecution in the northern part of Mitrovica as part of efforts to increase transparency of Brussels agreements and to strengthen the supervisory role of the Kosovo Assembly in the implementation of agreements process.

Chief prosecutor, Shyqyri Syla, said on the occasion that the justice agreement foresees application of Kosovo legislation but did not rule out the possibility of challenges arising during the implementation stage. Nevertheless, he added that so far everything was functioning fine. “Cases are distributed based on the prosecutorial council regulation, by draw, and there is no division on ethnic grounds,” Syla said.

MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Shkumbin Demaliaj, said the functioning of the courts in the north is the first sign that Kosovo justice is becoming integrated while Xhevahire Izmaku from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) hailed the implementation of the justice agreement as a positive step. At the same time, Vetevendosje’s Sami Kurteshi said ethnic composition of prosecutors and judges is discriminatory. He said that all judges and prosecutors in the north are either Albanian or Serb and other communities, like Bosniak one, are not represented at all.