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UNDP allocates 37 thousand euro for farmers in Dragash (RTKLive)

Four farmers in the municipality of Dragash are the beneficiaries of 37 thousand euros allocated by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). This grant is allocated to the project funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation "response at the local level regarding the creation of jobs (employment) and Integrated Territorial Development (InTerDev)". Through a press release, UNDP announced that the project InTerDev finalized two activities that serve small farmers and unemployed youth to improve their lifestyle.

"Furthermore, ten unemployed youngsters, identified by local Employment Office in collaboration with InTerDev project, successfully completed their professional training conducted by the Proffessional Training Centre in Prizren in profiles: maintenance and repair of household appliances and welding. UNDP Project InTerDev covered their training expenses and working tools were purchased necessary for each of the profiles to start their business worth about 8,000 euros," said the press release issued by UNDP.

The event is also an example of successful cooperation between the Municipality, the Austrian Development Cooperation and UNDP in addressing the challenges of employment in Dragash.