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Sixteen-year struggle to build safe house (KIM radio)

For more than sixteen years, women's associations in central Kosovo have been fighting to allow the opening of safe houses for women victims of domestic violence. There has been no success so far.

Unlike areas where Albanians make up the majority and where there are eight shelters, in Serbian communities there are none. Although the initiative to build a shelter for women victims of violence was initiated a long time ago, nothing has been done.

Gracanica Municipal Assembly adopted a decision on the allocation of a plot, but money is needed for the construction of a shelter.

"From day one we have been fighting to enable women who suffer from violence to have access to some form of accommodation and protection in a safe house, so they can stay there temporarily and no longer suffer from violence. It has been sixteen years of struggle. We have visited and opened the doors of all the institutions, that are directly involved and responsible for it, but we have not found understanding," said President of the Association of Business Women Avenija, Gordana Djoric on the Dogovor show.

Djoric says that there is no sympathy for such a venture, especially among men who are in power.

"Unfortunately, we are living in a patriarchal environment where they feel that it (violence) is not a big deal. For me this is unacceptable and we will not stop the fight and we will continue visiting certain institutions and facilities. And, firstly, our mayor should enable what was promised," notes Djoric.

NGO Ruka Ruci from Kosovo Polje/Fushe Kosove has been working for more than ten years on providing psycho-social assistance to women victims of the violence. The initiative for the construction of the safe house was launched in 2012.

"The building permit was issued; the Gracanica Assembly took the decision on the allocation of plot for the construction of the safe house. However, political processes, elections and the lack of cooperation and then the formation of the Community/Association are the causes because of which we still have no concrete solutions for the provision of financial resources for the construction of safe houses," said Nevenka Rikalo, President of NGO Ruka Ruci.

NGOs Ruka Ruci (Hand to Hand) and Avenija (Avenue), and the Center for Prevention and Protection of Domestic Violence from Gracanica are determined to organize, in cooperation with the Municipality of Gracanica and its president Vladeta Kostic, a donor conference to raise funds for the construction of shelters for victims of violence, says Nevenka Rikalo.

Domestic violence, the victims of which are mostly female members, is present in Serbian areas, as well as in the municipality of Gracanica. However, this is not something they speak about because of "shame" and fear, says Gordana Djoric.

"It is so, unfortunately.  First the consciousness of our women has to change and they must realize that they are not here to suffer from violence, but that they are human beings who deserve attention and respect, but because of patriarchal upbringing they prefer to remain silent rather than speaking publicly about it. If they decide to publicly state the problem they are not understood by the environment, by institutions, regardless of the laws".

Djoric indicates that in cases of violence against women, the police plays a big role. So far, she says, this security structure has reacted mildly towards the bullies, to whom they would only issue a warning.