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Journalists concerned over legal initiative on reporting on children (Telegrafi)

Kosovo journalists are concerned with a legal initiative undertaken by the Office of the Prime Minister, which aims to control online and print media reporting about children. This initiative was undertaken by UNICEF in Kosovo and supported by the Office of the Prime Minister. Imer Mushkolaj from the Press Council said this initiative is against the media because the government cannot regulate the method of reporting on children. “We analyzed the regulation and it has legal problems. It is absurd to draft a regulation when the law on protecting children still does not exist. It is the first time that the government will control the online and print media. Through this regulation, the government will take away the powers of the Independent Media Commission,” Mushkolaj said. According to him, the Press Council and the Association of Kosovo Journalists have sought clarification from the Office of the Prime Minister but did not receive any response. “We demand from the Office of the Prime Minister that within 10 days to inform us of such actions. Our despair is even greater knowing that a media regulation was drafted while the media were not consulted,” Mushkolaj said. Also the head of the Association of Kosovo Journalists, Shkelqim Hysenaj, said this regulation is unacceptable.