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Key Kosovo Municipalities Face Runoffs in Elections (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo's Central Electoral Commission is yet to announce preliminary results from local elections. However, some 17 municipalities are set to pass into runoffs.

As Kosovo waits for official results from Sunday’s local elections, some 17 municipalities already seem set for runoffs, according to preliminary data from local NGO Democracy in Action (DIA), which monitored the process.

Pristina’s residents are observing close competition between the current mayor, Shpend Ahmeti, from nationalist party Vetevendosje –which according DIA won 44.27 per cent of the vote – and Arban Abrashi the candidate from the liberal conservative party Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, which garnered 35.7 per cent.

Other municipalities set for runoffs include Kamenica, Rahovec, Malisheva, Prizren, South Mitrovica, Ferizaj/Urosevac, Istog, Vushtrri/ Vucitrna, Gjakova/Djakovica, Gjilan, Dragash, Kacanik, Klina, Obilic, Shtime, and Suhareka/ Suva Reka.

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