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Kosovo Serb Journalists Remembered 20 Years After Disappearance (Balkan Insight)

The fate of two Radio Pristina journalists is still not known, two decades since they disappeared.

Serbian journalists on Tuesday marked two decades since the unexplained disappearance of two colleagues on a road in western Kosovo during the 1998-99 war in the former southern Serbian province.

The fate of Radio Pristina journalists Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenic is not known, 20 years after they disappeared on a road between Orahovac/Rahovec and Velika Hoca/Hoca e Madhe while travelling to do a report. The men were 35 and 39 years old respectively.

“This is not just a question of justice; it’s a question of whether we agree to live with murderers, criminals and kidnappers,” Budimir Nicic, president of the Kosovo branch of the Association of Serbian Journalists, UNS, said during a commemoration at the site of the journalists’ disappearance.

Kosovo journalist and writer Zivojin Rakocevic said the failure to find those responsible was indicative of an official indifference to the fate of journalists.

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