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Forgotten reforms of the coalition (Kosova Sot)

Kosova Sot front page editorial writes that the major parties of the current coalition, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK,) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK,) agreed in 2011 on the changes of the election law and changes of the Constitution of Kosovo, including the election of the President. However, these pledges remained only in paper and they were never fulfilled. This daily holds the two major parties responsible for the failure and adds that this time, they should reflect in cooperation with the opposition.

“Kosovo needs clarification of several articles of the Constitution, which could cause obscure situations, such as the recent six month stalemate. On the other hand it is about time for Kosovo to have a new electoral code, based on the up to date experience, gaps on election law, Central Election Commission formula, threshold, voters’ lists, etc. The Assembly of Kosovo should discuss all these issues while it is a duty of the new government to urgently address the election and constitutional reform. These changes are in interest of everyone and not only of a single political party. Bargaining among the major parties does not leave much room to hope for reforms, however, the opposition and the civil society should pressure the government to conclude the initiated changes as soon as possible,” writes this daily.