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The historical momentum for the people (Kosova Sot)

According to the front page editorial of this daily, Kosovo people were never represented in a dignifying manner, they were always oppressed by the officials, starting from the most insignificant ones to the chief executive. “Government officials manipulated extremely with the trust of the citizens, with the hope of the people, expectations and future of their children,” writes this daily adding that Kosovo was not caught up within a night but and that it took more than a decade for the political Mafiosi to extend their network. This daily further describes the situation in Kosovo as miserable stressing that “the powerful ones that are corroding the joint perspective of Kosovo people should be stopped.”

“When legal mechanisms, when criteria are violated and standards ignored…it is the turn of the protest which should last until the new elections are held. Dissatisfaction has reached its peak and the social bomb will explode on the hands of this government and its designers, the political bargainers, who violate very principal, value and moral, for a single seat. The protest brings the pressure which forces the government to either work properly or accept its capitulation. It appears that the second option is unavoidable. Kosovo deserves a better government, which serves the population and not rulers who mock the citizens’’ trust and play with the extorted millions from the public funds. Citizens can make the change. They can save Kosovo,” writes this daily.