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EULEX and Embassies, Thaci's subsidiaries? (Gazeta Blic)

Jon Leka writes that publishing of EULEX's confidential report revealed a new dimension: Kosovo government uses EULEX and the others as instruments and manipulates them any time that it needs to hide its failures or to eliminate opponents.

According to him, the “Baimeh – EULEX” affair has not died out without a relevant impact. Investigations ordered by Mogherini opened old files which discover new scandalous details each day.

It has been several months that engaged institutional emissaries not only from the European Union but even further, detect relations of the international community in Kosovo. Even though these reports carry the stamp “confidential,” they appear in the media as if a magic stick was used, writes Leka. According to him, indications demonstrate that the local government used the internationals to gain power and eliminate their opponents.

Leka considers that the recent document published by Koha Ditore is a soft one, compare to the others, because this one focuses on EULEX’s hierarchy and not government and international complots and intrigues in after-war Kosovo. He claims that many details from this report did not represent news for Kosovars.

According to him the news is that the report does not describe Hashim Thaci’s waiting each afternoon to receive the instructions for the following day by someone at the U.S. office, but for a completely new dimension: the government officials justified their mistakes by suggesting that they were being imposed by foreigners. It also reveals that the government officials continuously abused, blackmailed and intrigued internationals in order to eliminate political opponents. Based on the two (confidential) reports, this was the case not only with Limaj, but Ramush Haradinaj’s sending to the Hague Tribunal as well, he writes.

Based on these arguments, EULEX appears not only incapable and in service of a single political party, or a single leader but it also appears as a participator, being that instead of prosecuting, it   became corrupted and part of political games of the fragile Balkans state.

Leka concludes that international policies in Kosovo have failed completely, and they also became satellites of the corrupted governments in Kosovo.