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Hashim Thaci’s two options, each worse than the other (Express)

Member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Berat Buzhala writes in an opinion piece for Gazeta Express that if the leader of his party, Hashim Thaci, manages to score another victory and beat the largest opposition party, Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), this would be more a defeat of his main rival than an actual victory of Thaci and would represent the end of the rational politics in Kosovo.

“Our country would then enter muddy political waters where the second-largest political force in the country would be the first victim of elections. And not only this but it would be the most serious defeat of ‘normal’ forces like the LDK, AAK (Alliance for Future of Kosovo), AKR (New Kosovo Alliance) and the Initiative for Kosovo”, writes Buzhala.

In such a situation, the opposition electorate which makes the majority of citizens in Kosovo would lose hope with LDK, AAK, AKR and would empower some more radical political entity like the Vetevendosje which is willing to use other undemocratic means to send Thaci and his people outside the government building, believes Buzhala.

“I personally believe that Thaci, within his intellectual possibilities, did the best he could for our country starting with Rambouillet peace conference up to this Sunday. But I also believe that as of Sunday the country will enter different political waters where Thaci would be best not to look at his reflection”, he concludes.