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This bad race of politicians (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily writes that different surveys of the non-governmental organizations show gradual falling of the trust of people in the parties which (miss) govern Kosovo. The writer of this editorial considers that increase of disappointment should become a serious concern of the parliamentary parties. The Kosovar voter cannot be deceived that easily after a decade and a half, as it happened in the past, when the votes were casted due to some euphoria in relation to the mythologized leaders.

“The disappointment has in fact started during the first mandate of Thaci’s government, when the population saw the governing officials and their vassals extort the public funds and ruin democracy. The Democratic Party of Kosovo as the most zealous in keeping the governing of Kosovo, initiated a new strategy: that of buying votes. In a poor Republic, with poor people, it is not difficult to buy votes from those in trouble… If we add to this number the army of more than one hundred thousand state clerks, obliged in a way to together with their families vote those in the government, changes of this extremely negative reality become even more difficult.”

According to this daily the above mentioned arguments should encourage those who love Kosovo, without wrongdoers and rulers, but in democracy and with rule of law, engage more on saving Kosovo. “Kosovo needs to be cleaned once and for all from this bad race of politicians. As long as they are in their decision-making positions, the population and legal businesses cannot expect better days,” concludes this daily.