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Some are more equal than others (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial claims that certain government officials in Kosovo take advantage of their official positions to arrange their and the affairs of their clans. “Whenever they find themselves in trouble, politicians take advantage of state mechanisms or even create new ones just to protect their own interests. The most recent example is the Law for legal and financial aid for persons that will be tried by the special court. The Kosovo government and Assembly decided to adopt this law that sets a dangerous precedent … Our statesmen, some of whom could even be included in the suspects list of the Task Force, have arranged this ‘detail’ that concerns financial aid and legal guarantees. The eventual suspects will most probably hire expensive international attorneys and pay them with public funds. Such a discriminatory decision is one more reason why this political class deserves to be punished in the next elections. Their every action has nothing to do with the fate of our society, but rather with their own personal interests”.