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Actions, not words (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that when the government announces that it will end monopolies on business, it is not that it is doing a miracle, but it is only promising to fulfill a legal and constitutional obligation. The Constitution of Kosovo guarantees equal competition in the free market, however, the situation in Kosovo is completely different. Oligarchic businesses, using their connections with the government, are continuously harming the decent businesses which want to grow and develop through a dignified competition. In fact, these oligarchic businesses have strangled the economy of Kosovo, being that they act only for their own and government officials’ interests. The latter keep these businesses alive by granting them public tenders and helping them to keep the monopoly.

“The good words of the government can be blown by the wind if they are not accompanied by concrete deeds. Only if the government wakes up and fights the monopolies which it created, there is hope for the people and for the legal businesses. However, functioning of the special court could be even more hopeful, if it is decided to investigate this criminal manner of making business, which is supported by the incriminated government…”

“The recent statements of the government are not being proceeded by concrete actions. It is not difficult for the ministries to license other companies which fulfill the conditions, be it in the field of banks or insurance, terminals, probation, cash registers and everything else. Good will of the current government to implement laws and the Constitution is required, nothing else,” concludes this editorial.