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Hopes on the special court (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that there is no place in the region let alone Europe that has more anti-corruption mechanisms than Kosovo. However, the reality in Kosovo is completely different. Kosovo suffers from corruption which has touched every pore of the society, keeping Kosovo hostage and becomming a cancer which is slowly eating up all public goods. Delay of a truthful war against corruption has delayed visa liberalization and Stabilization Association Agreement. The people lay their hopes on the special court which will establish for Dick Marty’s accusations but it in fact will deal with “the big fish” and oligarchs who abused public funds. This special court could clean Kosovo from crime where the most senior officials are involved and have become untouchable.

This government-business oligarchy is destroying Kosovo’s fragile economy day by day, while its people cannot breathe. Kosovo’s prosecution and judiciary did not even dare to deal with these cases, therefore even if there was any denunciation, it remained closed in the drawers of the justice system. There has been major interference of politics in the justice system. Different from EULEX, the special court is a unique case because the corrupted and incriminated will not be able to interfere in the system, being that it is located outside Kosovo. EULEX mission started its work furiously, however it became obvious that it could not remain uncorrupted, due to the politics ant its servants who managed to penetrate up to the judges of this mission. There is hope that the special court will not be the same as EULEX and that Kosovo will be cleaned from crime and corruption,” writes this daily.