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Europeanisation of “Brussels” (Koha Ditore)

In his series of writings about the Brussels agreements between Pristina and Belgrade, publicist Veton Surroi remarks today that while the agreements are impossible to be rejected, they could nevertheless be reevaluated. This process would however not be sufficient if carried out by the Kosovo Constitutional Court which is known for political decisions and crisis of legitimacy. Even if this was not the case, the Constitutional Court would not be fit to reassess an agreement which is of European, not local, character. The institution which in Surroi’s view could reassess Brussels agreements is the Council of Europe, through its special mechanisms such as the Venice Commission. If the Commission establishes that the agreements are in harmony to the European concept of legal equality, there would be no reason for Kosovo not to approve and integrate them into its legislation. If, however, the Commission finds that the agreements are not European the government and the opposition in Kosovo would have to propose a solution that would be integrating and functional. The government and the opposition should avoid an internal confrontation regarding the “landmark agreements,” suggests Surroi. Instead, they should make efforts in reaching a consensus on their Europeanisation platform.