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From crisis to crisis, towards hypocrisy (

The writer of this op-ed, Bekim Baliqi, notes that the blockade at the Assembly of Kosovo, is being considered as the start of political crisis,  that of Pristina Municipal Assembly is leading towards crisis of municipal governance, while the blockade at the senate of the University just adds another crisis.

These blockades according to Baliqi are invented crisis in order to create the situation of continuous tensions, more with the intentions of modifying the problems than to resolve them. “Those who are creating these blockades want to change the rules of the game and discuss eventually the new ones,” he notes.

 To his opinion the essence of the crisis is not only political but also crisis of the system. “We are hostage of the devaluated principles and values by those who promote them the most. Political parties are in deep crisis, they went through internal party elections in a manner that was not democratic at all, they did not bring any novelties and they are not managing to gain the trust of the people.”

 Baliqi considers that in order to come out of these blockades and continuous crisis, comprehensive structural reforms are required. They should start with the political parties and continue with the University, by making quality and substantial changes and not by making compromises to save their heads and eliminate certain people. Until the blocking logic is not removed, lectures for academic standards, patriotic values and European integration will remain a pure hypocrisy.